Keeping Secrets

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Seth glanced over at Niall, who seemed lost in thought. They had been at the Crow's Nest for a good hour or so and he hadn't said much. While he had been quiet more often than not lately with everything going on, this was a bit extreme for him. Even his shadows seemed on edge, flinting all around him with twitchy movements.

"The car accident that Maeve was in, do you know how it happened?" Niall finally asked, looking over at him.

Seth's eyebrows rose. He hadn't expected him to ask about that. Where was this coming from?

"No. Not really," Seth said. "Just that it was an accident... but her fiance was killed."

Niall nodded and looked back at his drink.

"I followed her today... I didn't mean to... she walked by and... I couldn't help it."

"Really?" Seth asked, curious about why Niall would follow Maeve.

Maybe he was only interested because she was Aislinn's cousin. Shit. Seth really hoped he wasn't trying to gather information to use against her. Yes, things were tense, but hopefully not that tense.

"Yea, I... I saw her scars..."

Seth's eyes widened in shock. How the hell had that happened? And just why did Niall seem to be so affected by it?

But at the same time, Maeve could see Niall. If he had seen her scars, it was probably because she wanted him to. But it didn't change the fact that Niall was currently under the impression that she couldn't see him and had violated her privacy.

Niall grimaced after seeing the look that Seth was currently giving him.

"I know, I shouldn't have. But... she was at the dance studio and I didn't know she was going to pull off her shirt," he said, not meeting Seth's eyes.

He could tell that Niall felt embarrassed. Seth was just confused. The Dark King had only ever been enthralled with mortals. Or Irial. It was unlike him to be fixated on another faery. Granted, Maeve was only half. Perhaps it was her mortal side that drew him in.

Not to mention, he thought that Niall was still hopelessly in love with Irial and Leslie. Though, now that he thought about it, neither had come up in conversation in a while.

"I think... you should talk to her," Seth said cautiously.

He knew that Maeve would need to tell Niall the truth eventually and that she would likely be part of his court. Though he supposed she could also choose the Summer Court. Or no court at all.

But for some reason, Seth couldn't help but think she would choose Dark, if only because her father had been part of the court. Niall looked over at him, his expression unreadable.

"Why?" he asked.

Seth took a deep breath, thinking over his words carefully. He wanted to keep his promise to Maeve.

"Just... there are some things that you should hear from her," Seth said.

Niall nodded slowly, though a curious look came over his face. Seth was sure that he knew he was keeping something from him, but hoped that their friendship was enough that Niall would trust him on this.

For his part, Niall didn't push it, turning to lift his glass to his lips. Seth then cleared his throat. Even if Maeve wasn't sure if she was ready to tell Niall, maybe he could start trying to find some information on her father.

"You wouldn't by chance know of any others in your court that have half mortal kids besides Gabe, would you?" Seth asked. Niall looked over at him.

"Not that I'm aware of, though it's not like I kept track. Why?" he asked, leaning closer to his friend.

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