Solus Iterum: Tribus

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"Sometimes, it is best to leave sacrifice, it isn't needed for a lost cause..."-Nyllus Zerron [Audio log ends]

I was in this battle fully, an Nyhnor Knight rushed forward, I swung my will up before switching to another Knight of Nyhnor slicing through them like butter. I side stepped left, the streets of Paris ran crimson, I twisted my biting blade sending it into a Admonitor. The Daemon fell to one knee, he chuckled and sent his biting blade towards my center mass. I swiftly pulled my Mordax Saber out of Admonitor's shoulder parrying, soon riposting with red raining from the Daemon. He fell, I kept fighting in this battle no matter what, I understand that many have died already. That mattered, the sacrifices of men and women done for something else greater, something grand, their Legacies and their own Journeys will be remembered, for Jeremias, for Estrid, for Zihrun, for my Red Spider Lily, for my bloodline! As that one saying goes in my family. Fight like wolves! I fought hell itself, I fought like hell, my will spoke my violence, it spoke with my edge, my will is unrelenting. I did a quickened turn striking a Nyhnor Vanguard without hesitation or remorse for these fucking cultist.

I felt a rush of kinetic force impact my stomach causing me to stagger just a bit. I shook my head spinning my Mordax Saber into a reverse grip, a Dark One glanced at me, morphing in physique matching Zerron himself. He drew a blade matching a style of biting blade.

"Who are you?" My question echoed to the Dark One as I took a offensive stance, he just gazed at me not answering he took a Fool's guard stance.

He said to me "Call me... Zero." Zero... Zerron, was Nyllus Zerron just a vessel of this being I'm facing on this field of battle? Paris was ruined enough. Zero didn't want me to calculate this information, he just struck, I deflected, his power was like Nyllus. It was the same it caused me to slide just a bit, Zero twisted his biting blade swiftly, I felt an unending sting on my shin. I held my pain in twisting before I motioned my blade upward unlocking the wills, Zero just rammed my center mass. I rolled and lifted my weight up, he moved with mist blazing from him, a fist was sent into my stomach wind left my breath.

I sent my elbow into Zero's face but he used that action to his advantage letting gravity speak for him, I gasped, he aimed true, though I wasn't done yet! I'll be damned if my legacy ends here! I rolled right with the ground cracking where the Will of Nil struck. I quickly got up and sent my Mordax Saber trying to have my deadeyed aim strike with a trueshot, he swiftly swung parrying my thrust, he turned before trying to send a slash at me. I moved my will blocking then tried to twist, he tilted his head and just shifted the edge of his blade up then onward at me, I felt the biting blades unlock again, Zero sliced through a TLA Minuteman without warning, he rushed forward, I dashed. The energy radiant from the edges thundered, he growled, something in his posture said he hasn't been matched in an movement like that.

He ran fingers through his hair, the true color wasn't seen because of the Dark One still present in the appearance "Why are you Ravens always in the way? I have my reasons." I didn't say anything back we were speaking with blades, not words. He did a huff and deflected my biting blade with his own, I let light flash. He staggered back, he sent his freehand outward then swiftly brought it back, I felt the nails dig into my center mass then diagonally exit, I stepped back with balance leaving. Zero ran the edge of the biting blade across his arm, sparks coated it with a deep blood and a dimmer silver, I inhaled, after a second exhaled. We both lunged at each other and paused beside each other.

The Dark One fell to both knees with a pitch black mist figure with Zerron's physique just sending daggers with his eyes before disappeared while the body of the Dark One just become one with ruin, I fell to one knee sensing the drums of war ending. Next thing I knew, my sight went blurry and soon just darkness.....

I woke up in the Limbo Nexus this time, I was in a bedroom reminiscent of mine, I remembered the pictures I had of my Red Spider Lily, Jeremias and I, some with Zihrun others with Estrid, a tapestry of us too in Victorian attire that matched our regal auras. I lifted myself up and out of bed, the walls matched snow with my bed although it had a hint of shade split on it.

"Sleep well?" I knew that voice it was that Raven I met here to gain more power. I took in my surroundings with my sight with the room shifting to just a couch of shade, Vyktor was seated on it with one arm over it, leaning against it, he did a gesture telling me to come over, I stepped forward.

He said with a smile "Honestly I thought, you wouldn't exist here again..." Wow so much for optimism. I held my own and he probably knew it if he saw that fight. I seated myself across from him. He remained silent

"You say that like you don't have much hope..." I said to him, he chuckled before getting up, I stood up keeping my eyes locked on him, he ran his fingers through his collar with his eyes locking.

"I am not like most Ravens, unlike you, I find love as something that leads to madness..." he continued with his tone icing over "I watched a close friend of mine fall by it, but it seems Fate has something else met for you. Your path will lead to something greater, but the stage I have my chess pieces on with my hand I have, isn't ready for you." I understood his coldness, his winter this Raven fought through more battles than I, to Vyktor I was inexperienced but how big is the stage he's playing on? That was something I wanted to help with...

I replied "Can you tell me? After all, you're family..." That word hit him different but he kept taciturn. He stared at me before placing a hand on my left shoulder sighing into humor.

"Let's just say I witnessed war on a mass scale, it spanded universes and galaxies, our existence is because of the Greater Trees of Life, each Grand Sphere has one." He kept speaking "Each Grand Sphere has Regions, but I don't think you need to know my situation." He channeled, I felt something else grow, a new Fable. Did he have a Prime Singularitas Matrix within his very soul? If so my sight couldn't see it but I couldn't sense it either.

Next thing I knew, I woke up with a gasp in a medbay, My Flower wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, she cried out in relief. I wrapped my arms around her waist enjoying the warmth of her aura and soul....

Falling From Puritas: Lonesome [[COMPLETE]] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang