Iram Corvi: Epsilon

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I prepared myself for the challenge that was before me, I spun my biting blade once and took several deep breaths, The Rekindler sheathed his biting blade, he drew another holding it in an reverse grip. Traval kept his stance, I acted trying to interrupt the current rhythm at play. I swung at Zerron, he parried with his blade entering a deployed state and aimed to thrust, I side stepped with the thrust almost connecting, the Rekindler flicked his Dolus Saber into a normal grip but in the same sporadic motion it went into its sheathed state swinging at me, I deflected but Ivarn sent his foot into my gut causing me to stagger back.

The Rekindler spoke "You're more stubborn than your brother..." he flicked his blade back into a deployed state and went to use his will to strike again. I weaved back, I felt coldness slice through my right shoulder. I shifted and swung upward at Traval causing him to weave back defensively. Zerron chuckled and dashed then a voom. He blinked upward and aimed a quick swing at my head, I deflected but the impact itself made me slide to the edge. I dashed forward sending rapid bites at The Rekindler, he bobbed and weaved like he was used to how the rhythm and melody of my bloodline is. I stepped back, my breathing quickened, I needed to find away to prolong this fight.

"He looks like he's slowing down sir...." Ivarn said sheathing his Mordax Saber and summoned his Scythe. I sheathed mine and summoned two blades crossing them as my vision went scarlet. I feinted at Traval's jugular causing him to swiftly step back as The Rekindler swung, I parried with our wills locked, he was face to face, eye to eye with me.

I let a question fly "Your name?" The Rekindler snickered with a his expression hidden by an emotionless cover with his eyes glimmering with wrath.

"Nyllus Zerron...." He said with permafrost glazing over the edge of my biting talon. I shifted my Mordax Saber upward forcing him to melodically dash with the wind. The wind and its grace, its whispering whimper of peace now violent. I inhaled before letting an exhale free, I sent my blades forward at Zerron, he rhythmically danced away from them while Traval swung at my side, I parried dashing back with my neurons blazing to life with my nerves, warmth flooded my finger tips, I released a cosmic filled ecstasy at both.

Nyllus used his blade like a razor cutting flesh through the channel, he smiled but Traval was forced to retreat after that. I saw the Rekindler sheath his blade, he drew his Mordax Saber while a set of armor flowed over his physique like scales, the scales of it jerked and shifted, the helmet folded around his head with the eyes shining violently, My vision was already scarlet, we were going to be in a brutal melody of power and strength.

The Rekindler chuckled "Now we see who is the Magna and the Malum...." he ran his biting blade over his right wrist, with the steam hissing over the edge of his will. I let my two blades dematerialize before drawing my own biting blade.

"You're not great... you aren't just. You're  just a zero..." I said with venom running over my tongue, the Rekindler didn't reply he did a lunge forward thrusting his biting blade aimed at my center mass. I parried but he locked our wills, he sent a scaled tail of mechanical engineering upward without warning, I felt it enter my right shoulder, It swayed, my feet left the ground, The Rekindler sent his fist into my face shattering my mask, I landed on the ground we were still on a rooftop of a tower. I rolled right dodging another strike. He swiftly sent his biting blade up, I weaved back and sent a thrust onward aiming for a trueshot, he side stepped with his refined rhythm matching my shot that should have struck true.

"It seems like the talons of this Raven are becoming dull..." his tongue had a venomous dagger aimed to fracture my ego. I took another stance, this Rekindler was strategically attuned and knew how to move like a wolf, his rhythm was violent, his will was born for war.

I stayed taciturn, I changed my expression staring Zerron in his eyes, he did a slight head tilt, I sent a jab aimed for the jugular, that forced him to unlock our will, I sent a slash at his stomach but his current set of armor blocked it, how in the hell? He brought his Mordax Saber in front of his face with the edge of mine stopped. I felt a tail wrap around my right ankle, he twisted his physique, I felt the air again before gravity, I choked because of the force inside of my body, three ribs were broken due to the impact, he circled me, he taunted me with a quick spin of his blade.

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