It's over

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"I asked for vanilla, not chocolate!"

"No, you said, 'I'm in the mood for chocolate, it's dark and my life is dark now!"

"Even if I mentioned chocolate, I really didn't mean it. I wanted vanilla, Josh! How difficult is it to get a vanilla ice cream in this freaking place?"

"Calm down baby, is it your period?"

Alex glared at Josh. They were currently in the bedroom having a screaming match over ice cream.

The day started well. It was a Saturday and everyone was supposed to have a family day, minus Enzo who was currently on a play date.

Alex told Josh she wanted them to binge-watch Netflix while treating themselves to ice cream and popcorn.

The day turned sour after Josh came home with the ice cream.

"So, what if it was my period? Are you telling me that I'm reacting because of my hormones?"

"No, Alex. I'm just-"

"Un-fucking-believable. You are unbelievable!"

Alex turned to the closet and put on flimsy shorts and a tank top. Her hair was everywhere but she didn't care to look at herself in the mirror. All she knew at the moment was that she was angry! She was enraged! Why? She didn't fucking know but she needed to leave the house.

"Where are you going?" Josh followed her as she rushed down the stairs.

"Out! Where I won't see your face."

"Come on, Alex. We were supposed to spend today together."

She stopped at the door and turned towards her husband, "I'm seeing my period, remember? I don't want to react as such. Don't worry, I'll be home before Junior gets back."

She stepped out and Josh exhaled loudly. This was Alex, he knew she was dealing with something, and that something was Damon. He didn't blame her. She was frustrated and that was her way of dealing with it.

Meanwhile, Alex was fuming. How in the world would Josh not know she hated chocolate? She didn't bloody care she mentioned it, all she wanted was vanilla.

Alex knew she was being unreasonable. Though she didn't know why. There was this anger in her that wouldn't go away. Every day just went by like all was well in the world.

"But it isn't. The world isn't fair, life isn't fair. People don't get their happily ever after. People fall in love with the wrong people. Life isn't fucking fair!"

"Um- are you alright?" A man asked.

She turned to look at him, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, because you're walking on the street and talking to yourself; more like screaming."

"What?" She looked around her and discovered people were throwing glances her way. Another thing she noticed was the biting cold she was feeling. What in the world was she wearing? A pair of shorts and a tank top?

Bloody hell!

No wonder people were looking at her like a crazy person.

"I could give you my coat." The man said.

She was about to accept when she heard that annoying voice,


She turned to look at the owner.

"What are you doing here? Listening through those devices is not enough, you want to follow me about now?"

She forgot about the stranger and walked away. Matt followed her.


"Enough Matt!" She turned abruptly, facing him. "I am tired of your meddling! I'm tired of all those goons, stay the hell away from me, or I'll call the cops!"

She continued walking but Matt followed her.


"What part of- wait, you're very formal. Why are you formal?" She scrunched her nose in confusion.

"You look formal. Your stupid stoic face is back on. You're wearing your annoying secret service coat, and you have your bloody hands in front of you." She moved closer to him, "Is it over?"

"It is, Ma'am."

"You, annoying bastard!" She rushed to him, hugged him, and kissed his cheek,  though everything was one-sided, she thought she caught a twitch of his lips. It was quick, half a second, but she caught it. That was his way of smiling.

"Where is he?" She whispered.

"Follow me, Ma'am"

But she didn't. She ran past him. Her cold was forgotten. Her earlier destination was forgotten, even her period was forgotten. There was only one destination she had in mind.


She was running to him. He was her home. He was where her heart belonged and she was running to him.

Alex hated running, she hated exercise. In fact, she didn't know how she managed to get this far but the reason she hated running became evident in a matter of seconds. She was panting.

Why couldn't someone exercise without panting? Why in the world should exercise be associated with pain? She had often asked these questions over time, and she was asking them now again.

Today, however, the panting didn't stop her. She was running and looking around her but she couldn't find him. She had since lost Matt ever since she ran past him. The street was almost empty and the reason was because of the frigging cold. Residents were either cocooned in the coffee shops or at home.

Panic coursed within her. Where the hell was he? She shouldn't be panicking but then today was not a normal day. Josh said it was her period, she'd have smiled at that memory but the urgency at hand didn't let her.



She started screaming his name, looking around for him. Her voice was shaky due to the urgency in it. It was official, she had gone crazy.


She stopped running when her heart couldn't take it anymore, but she started walking briskly looking for him, and didn't give up.

"What in the world are you wearing woman?"

She screeched to a halt upon hearing that voice and turned in the direction of the voice. The voice came from the alley, how did she miss that?

Time stopped. Alex stopped. Only the sound of her heartbeat and her heaving chest were indications that she was still breathing.

Right there, was the love of her life. She hadn't seen him in two years. Throughout that period, she had often wondered how she would react when she saw him, and here she was, frozen in time, looking at him like it was surreal.

It felt like a lifetime but she was frozen for some minutes, and then she sprinted. Her feet had a mind of their own today. She ran towards him and hugged him.

If Damon wasn't the man he was, she would have said she knocked him off his feet, literally and figuratively.

But Damon was Damon. It would take a stronger force to unbalance him but this woman was the one person who could do that.

He lifted her off easily from the ground as she wrapped her legs around him. He noted one thing though, she was heavier. He dared not mention it if he wanted to remain alive.

He heard her cry, softly at first, then a full-blown cry. That was his Alex, very dramatic. But his heart skipped, he knew why she was crying. It was the same reason that kept him up every night since that fateful day. It was the same reasons that gave him nightmares. So yes, Damon understood.

"Mia Volpe, hush now. It's over. "

Hello guys, I hope you've not gotten lost in the story, if you have, please find your way back here. I did too.

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