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Bree was having a difficult day. She was way behind on some of her reports, she was yet to schedule her boss' meetings, and most of all, she was too tired to accomplish all these things. There were bags under her eyes, she had not been sleeping. Blame that on Josh's little flower gift and no other word from him after then.

She was so carried away that she didn't notice when Damon walked past her and said the most unusual thing in the most unusual voice.

"Beautiful morning to you, Miss Anderson," in a chirpy voice.

Hold on a second, did Damon just greet her? She was still dazed when she thought she heard something else as he entered his office; whistling.

Damon was whistling? Since when did he whistle? Strange.

Stranger things continued to happen that morning when Damon called for a meeting and declared some mouth-watering bonuses for everyone. The employees thanked whoever was behind this morning Damon, and hoped every day would be like that morning. Sometimes, people were allowed to wish.

Though as strange as that morning was, Damon was still his unsmiling self. How someone could manage to be happy without a smile was a thing that Bree didn't wish to add to her list of problems that day.

She was finally getting some of her reports done when Damon called from the intercom asking her to come to his office. The intercom, not email. Bree noted that again.

She went in, "Sir?"

Damon stopped scribbling on his notepad and looked at Bree. He noted that the woman was hardworking, she and the millions of Americans out there deserved better. This made his resolve stronger.

"Miss Anderson, do you believe in a greater America?"

This was not what Bree expected, regardless, she was willing to go with the ride of this morning.

"I do believe so sir, yes."

"Very well then. Call the President's office, and inform the secretary to schedule a meeting between the President and me, for two-thirty this afternoon."

"Yes sir."

Weird, but Bree left to do as she was asked. This was the first time her boss had asked her to do such a thing. As a matter of fact, she didn't think her boss and his father-in-law had a close relationship. They both avoided each other like plague.

Bree dialed the extension and listened carefully to what was said on the other line.  She later dropped the phone and went back to her boss.

"Sir, the president can't see you. He is busy."

Damon leaned back on his chair and smiled. That caught Bree's attention, he was smiling now? Was there an inside joke between her boss and the president?

"Tell miss Munez to inform the president that he will see me, or America will have a field day. Then tell the boys to get the car ready, the meeting will hold sooner and not at two-thirty anymore. That will be all, Miss Anderson."

"Yes sir."

Bree went back out to her office and made the phone calls. One to the president's office and the other to Damon's chief of security to get the car ready. She paid no mind to it afterward and was about to continue with her work when the phone rang, and Miss Munez, the president's secretary informed Bree that the president would see her boss now.

Bree informed her boss and watched how he considered taking a cup of coffee first, just to waste some extra minutes. His rebellious side won, as he asked Bree to fetch him a cup of coffee.

So to say, her boss spent extra fifteen minutes sipping his not-so-hot coffee. Miss Munez called twice, and both times Bree lied that her boss was on his way. She didn't have the stomach, to tell the truth about what her boss was doing at the moment.

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