Chapter 27: Chillin' and funkin' with her beau (and their BFFs) (1K Special)

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A/N: Thanks to BandanaMarito for making the (incredible and PHENOMENAL) FNF: After The week mod, which was made the idea for this chapter pop into my head. I can't believe this story actually reached 1K reads, and for that, I'd like to thank y'all. FYI, unlike most 1K specials, this is canon to the storyline.

TW: Mentions of d34th row, v!0l3nc3 and k!ll!ng

June 3, 2039 (Saturday)...

Sweetheart and Selever were currently in their respective bedrooms, rapping with each other over Zoom.

Song: Zoom Rapping (After The Week but it's Selever vs Sweetheart)

"Beep! (That was fun!)" Sweetheart beeped.

"Agreed." Selever said. "Wanna do this again sometime?" Sweetheart thought for a few minutes. She did like it, but it felt better for her to rap with people in person rather than over a phone call.

"Beep (No)." Sweetheart beeped. "Beep bloop bap bop boo (I liked it, but I like it anymore when I rap with people in person)."

"Okay." Selever said.

"Selever! Время ужина! (Dinner time!)" Ruv was heard saying, making Sweetheart briefly flinch and cover her ears.

"Looks like it's time for me to go." Selever said. "Bye, Roach."

"Beep bop ba. (Bye, Sel!)" Sweetheart beeped. Just as Selever was about to end the call, the auburn-haired 18-year-old remembered something.

"Beep! (Wait!)"

"What is it?"

"Beep ske doop bap bo (Before you go, I almost forgot)." Sweetheart started. "Beep bop ba (Sofie and Rin want us to come over to their place tomorrow for a sleepover and I agreed to it)."

"Cool." Selever said. "I'll ask those dumb[a-word]s that call themselves my family about it. Ask Sofie to text me what time it'll be, will ya?"

"Beep. (Okay.)"

"Great. Anyways, I'll be-"

"GET YOUR 7 FOOT 5 [BUTT] OVER HERE, CYKA BLYAT! IT'S DINNER TIME!" Ruv was heard saying. Sweetheart, again flinched and covered her ears.

"LANGUAGE, RUVYZVAT!" Sarv and Krus were heard saying.

"I'm on a call with my girlfriend, SO [FUNK] OFF OR ELSE I'LL [FUNKING] TURN YOU IN, OLD MAN!"


"I WOULD! SO BE [FUNKING] PATIENT IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE PUT ON DEATH ROW AND BE CONFINED TO A [CRAPPY] PRISON CELL, [BISH]!" Selever turned to his girlfriend, his anger dying down. "Sorry. The cowardly [a-word]hole can be really impatient and has a short temper."

"Beep (It's okay)." Sweetheart beeped. Her boyfriend's threat was mean, very mean, but no matter how hurtful and disrespectful he'd be to others, it won't change how she feels about him. Everyone's like a diamond: they all have multiple sides to them, both good and bad, and Selever and his family are no exception to that.

Most of the time, Selever was chaotic, disrespectful, and straight up mean and crass, but he had a soft, caring side to his personality that he rarely shows. That's what made her fall in love with him, that's what made her stay friends with him for a decade. This doesn't mean she's okay with it, though. She does get mad at him, but she knows that it's only a façade that he puts up because he had to be Rasazy's caretaker for centuries and feels like he has to be strong for the people he loves. That's why, at the end of the day, she forgives him and lets it slide and always will.

FNF: Many years later (Selever x OC fanfic) [Discontinued]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin