Chapter 23: Sunday Night Loving (Gift for Daniely Rivera)

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TW: Mentions of wanting to k*ll someone, v*ol*nce, nearly dy*ng and po*son*ng.

May 21, 2039...

It was 9:30 in Eastern Daylight time. Sweetheart and Selever were walking out of a McDonald's. Unlike in the previous chapter, Sweetheart was wearing her usual clothing, due to her dad, who happens to be a savant with photography and fashion, telling her that she should just wear her usual top and skirt since the restaurant wasn't fancy.

It was blissfully silent for a few minutes until...

"It's raining again." Selever said. "Yay." He was being sarcastic, but Sweetheart didn't catch on.

"Beep ske doo ba? (Since when was rain your favorite weather?)" Sweetheart said. "Beep bop bap. (If I recall, you like sunny weather and the winter.)"

"I was being sarcastic." Selever said.

"Oh." Sweetheart said, looking down as her pupils flickered from red to blue and her wings drooped. She started flicking her leg, something she did when she was sad.

"Roach..." Selever started, looking at her sympathetically. "Sure you have a hard time interpreting social cues and identifying emotions in yourself and others, but that's okay. There's nothing wrong with your brain working differently, and you shouldn't let any mother[funker] tell you that there is. I'll be there to help you. Your family and friends will too." Sweetheart smiled, her pupils turning pink and her wings fluttering.

"Beep. (You're right!)" Sweetheart beeped. The auburn-haired rapper tiptoed and hugged her boyfriend (he's 7 inches taller than her when she's in her platforms and 11 inches taller than her when she's barefoot or wearing flats, who smiled and hugged back.

"Aww!" The couple let go of the hug and turned and saw a person's skirt and shoes. The person chuckled. "Up here." They looked up and saw a (very) white face with a tiny, black floating crown on the left side of it.

"Beep bo! (Hey Taki!)" Sweetheart beeped.

"Hello." The person, Taki said. He wore a nun veil and outfit and had a Rosary on her neck. "As adorable as that was, I don't want you guys getting a cold. I'll bring you guys back to the Phantom Cathedral."


When they had went inside the cathedral, they were given towels to dry themselves and were immediately led to the secret room that served as Selever and his family's home. Sweetheart didn't have any extra clothes with her, and her clothes were currently in the dryer, so she borrowed Selever's sweater and shorts, which was a bit oversized on her, but would do.

Sweetheart and Selever were currently cuddling on the latter's bed, with a blanket covering the both of them after the former stubbed her toe a couple minutes ago. Her period had already started, and, due to dysmenorrhea being a thing, her stomach was hurting. "Feeling better?" Selever asked, looking at his girlfriend.

"Beep! (Yup!)" Sweetheart beeped, flinching at the sound of thunder and burying her face in Selever's chest. It's been raining for an hour and it still hasn't stopped. Selever massaged her scalp, making her purr (After reading a couple oneshots of Selever purring, I believe that every demon, full-blood or not, can purr and am, therefore, incorporating that into this fic).

"Y'know, everything we've experienced together was really fun." Selever said. He then remembered their encounters with Monster and IRIS, his grandmother getting possessed and nearly dying, DD poisoning his drink as an attempt to kill him, and other near-death situations they've been in over the years. "Well, maybe not everything, but almost everything."

"Beep. (Yeah.)" Sweetheart beeped. "Beep ske doop bop ba. (By the way, due to being hated by the public and not having enough money to maintain the company, IRIS has finally been shut down, so we don't have to deal with them anymore.)"

"Really?" Selever asked.

"Beep! (Yup!)" Sweetheart beeped. "Beep ske doop bop. (I was planning on telling you at the restaurant, but I forgot about it and remembered it just now.)"

"Babushka's gonna be so happy when she finds out." Selever said. "She's probably gonna be disappointed too, because ever since that [blip] of a company first possessed her, she's been wanting to kill its CEO."

"Beep ske doop bop. (I'm starting to see where you and your dad cussing and sometimes being violent comes from.)"

"Thinking about that now, I'm really wondering what you see in me that made you stay friends with me for years and want to date me." Selever said.

"Beep ske doop bop ba. (You're more than just a chaotic teen who cusses and gives people "the finger" and your dad and grandmother are more than just criminals with high bounties on their head)." Sweetheart beeped. "Beep bop bap. (There's good in everyone, and you guys are no exception.)" Selever smiled. She and her siblings were always about seeing the good in everyone, something which they got from their parents. "Beep bop bap bo? (Wanna sing a song?)"

"Sure." Selever said.

Song: Parish (Selever vs Sweetheart)

Just then, a knock on the door could be heard. "Come in." Selever said as he and Sweetheart sat up. The door opened and Sarv could be seen.

"The sushi arrived." The "nun" said. "Krus is allergic to fish, so he's having Subway."

"Beep. (Okay.)" Sweetheart said.

"We're coming." Selever said.

"Alright." Sarv said. She turned to Sweetheart. "Does it still hurt? Can you walk now?"

"Beep ske doo bap. (It hurts a bit, but not as much as before.)" Sweetheart beeped. "Beep ske doop bop. (And I think I can walk.)" Sarv nodded.

"I heard you singing my song." Sarv said. "I never thought a piano version with a slow tempo of it would sound so good, holy shi- I mean, holy moly. Anyways, I'll go now." The former queen of [Heck] then walked out. Sweetheart slowly got out of bed with some help from Selever.

"Beep ske doop bop. (I think I can manage without help.)" Sweetheart beeped. Selever smiled.

"Glad to hear that, Roach."



Characters that appear in the story

· Sweetheart (owned by me)

· Selever (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

· Taki (owned by TokkoTaki)

· Sarv (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

Mentioned character(s)

· IRIS (owned by YingYang48)

· Rsch (owned by Handzy)

· Ruv (owned by Dokki.Doodlez)

· Krus (owned by Handzy)


· Parish (composed by Mike Geno)

A/N: After the whole week, I finally managed to put my ideas together and finish this. I hope you appreciate this and tysm for following me! Also, I know Taki is psychopathic, but I decided to make him nice in this fic because I liked the thought of her being good friends with Sweetheart, Selever, and Selever's family. It's 9pm in my country and I have to go to bed now, so have a good day/night ladies, gentlemen, and enby and agender folks!

FNF: Many years later (Selever x OC fanfic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now