Chapter 25: Things got real

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Content Warning: This chapter has themes of d!v0rc3, which may be saddening for people who have d!v0rc3d parents or have experienced d!vorc3 themselves. Also, DD gets dr*nk and v0m!ts and there is one tiny mention of d34th.

After a long day of golfing and having fun with Selever and his family, Sweetheart, Partner, Bestie, and their parents were sitting with DD and MM on the dining table and were eating sushi. Everyone was happy, and it stayed that way until...

"Dearest?" DD turned to his wife.

"Yes, dea-" He was cut off by his wife standing up and saying:

"I want d!vorc3." BF, in shock, spit out the wine he was drinking.

"Beep?!" Sweetheart beeped.

"What?!" DD, GF, Bestie and Partner exclaimed.

"You heard me." MM said. "Also, I'm forbidding our daughter and grandchildren from contacting and visiting you after this."

"I think not foolish woman!" DD said, standing up as well.

"Excuse me?!" MM exclaimed.

"You heard me." DD replied.

"[A-word]hole." MM said, glaring at her husband. DD turned to his daughter and grandchildren.

"Get the speakers, please."

"Yes, father." GF said, before summoning the speakers and sitting on them with her husband. Sweetheart and Bestie gave their grandparents microphones and stood beside the speakers. Partner took out his phone, connected it to the speakers, and played the song.

Song: Stupidpumpkinspice (MM vs DD)

"Well? What do you have to say for yourself?" MM asked.

"Such a karen move."

"EXCUSE ME?!" Sweetheart, Partner and GF flinched at how loud MM's voice was.

"I mean- hear me out dear." DD started. "I didn't mean what I said back then, and I didn't mean for certain things to happen the way they did. I was being stupid and didn't think about the consequences that would follow. You know I love you, our daughter and our grandchildren with every inch of my being."

"I..." MM sighed. "Well you know what? It's too late for apologies. You should have thought about that sooner." After a few minutes of silence, DD spoke up.



"Do you know if Mickey D's is still selling their 2 for 5's?" DD asked.

"I swear to [gosh], Dearest, I will NOT hesitate to go over there and beat your a-"

Song: Divorce (MM vs DD)


2 days later, the divorce papers were signed. MM blocked her husband's contact on her phone and forced her daughter and grandchildren to block their dad/grandfather's contact on their phones as well and she forbade her husband, her daughter, and grandchildren from visiting each other, so DD had no way to contact his ex-wife, daughter and grandchildren and vice versa.

The ex-rockstar was only given a small sum of money by MM but, unbeknownst to the latter, the former was also given half his daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughters' salary and literally every dollar and coin in his grandson's piggybank.

FNF: Many years later (Selever x OC fanfic) [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora