"You know, me in the ER, I wear more scrubs than a coat." You raised an eyebrow.

"But the white coat is a text book look, gomo." Jisung pointed out. You put your hands up in defeat and put the white coat on. Jisung smiled, giving you two thumbs up before holding your hand.

"Time to show them how cool my gomo is." Jisung grinned.

"Whatever you need me for, aegi." You laughed and headed in with him. You've only been in Jisung's school once, to access it with your brother before enrolling him.

"My class is here!" Jisung pointed. You nodded and followed him in. The teacher was greeting students and their accompanying adults.

"Mr Jo! This is my gomo!" Jisung introduced excitedly. Wow, Jisung's teacher was young and good looking. You smiled and held your hand out to him. He blinked for a moment, his ears turning red as he slipped his hand into yours for a firm shake.

"Nice to finally meet the aunt that Jisung always raves about." He chuckled.

"I'm more his fan than he is of me. I'm (y/n) (y/l/n), Jisung's dad is my older brother. Thank you for taking such good care of Jisung." You smiled, looking down at Jisung.

"Please, he's a pleasure to teach. Really gifted child. Jo Ryujin." He introduced back, ruffling Jisung's hair.

"Gomo! Gomo! I wanna introduce you to my friends, come." Jisung dragged you away to meet his friends. You met with the other children and their parents.

"Are you Jisung's mother? You're so young!" One of the ladies asked you.

"No, I'm his aunt, like he mentioned earlier." You put on your best sweet smile but there was obviously sarcasm in your words. Jisung had introduced you as his aunt way earlier, even to the adults. However, it seemed that they were too busy talking to one another to listen and actually pay attention to what he was saying. That wasn't nice or respectful of them.

"O-Oh! He must have spoken too softly for us to hear." Another lady said, stuttering nervously.

"No. I think he spoke just fine, I could hear him clearly." You shrugged with a tilt of your head. They were stunned. They weren't expecting such a girl to have such a... sharp attitude.

"I think next time, it'll be more supportive of us to lead by example and pay attention to what our kids have to say." You blinked and they were quiet.

"Aegi, you wanted to show me your essay that was put up?" You turned to Jisung. He nodded excitedly.

"There!" He pointed and you saw his name. Jisung patiently waited for you to read his essay, which you briefly glanced through. You nodded your head with a hum, sitting with him.

"I think you showed a very good and balanced point of view." You said.

"Mr Jo wants us to do a book report for our next write up. He says we can kind of pick any book we want...? But I haven't really decided for sure yet." Jisung said. You nodded and listened to him tell you his opinions and thoughts on what book he should be doing a write up on.

"I think those are good options, aegi. But you've read those books before. Don't you want to try something new?" You suggested.

"Hmm... I guess."

"Why don't we drop by the bookstore before going home and look at books there?" You offered. He nodded his head excitedly. Jisung doesn't read adult books, he's still 6, but he does love reading.

"Alright, let's have parents come up and introduce themselves, as well as share a bit about their work!" Mr Jo clapped his hands.

One by one, you watched the parents go up, introduce themselves and share with the children what they did for a living. Honestly, you were surprised no one was in healthcare like you, despite Jisung's class being relatively big.

Knights of Yesterday (Part 2 of Rebels of Power)Where stories live. Discover now