Chapter Thirteen | No other rooms available

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"What do you mean there is no other rooms?" We are at the front desk, trying to find one of us another room. We are down on our luck though. Apparently, every single room is booked for the next two weeks and one of the reasons is because of the wedding party we are with. Henry pushes me to the side, to talk to the lady at the desk since it looks like I am glaring at her. I'm not. I am glaring at the computer that won't show a single free room. Couldn't there be some sort of glitch that can allow us separate rooms?

"I'm sorry Ma'am. We could call Ms Ava to shuffle around some of the guests in your party to get a free bed?" she suggests.

"NO," Henry and I say at the same time. The lady did not flinch and kept that customer service smile in place. If Ava found out then our gig would be over. Not only would she know that we are not dating but the whole group would. We are committed now and absolutely nothing is going to prevent us from succeeding. Even one bed.

"Sorry, it's all fine. We will sort it out," I apologise for shouting and maybe the misplaced glare. Henry and I leave since a few people in the lobby keep glancing in our direction, hoping for some sort of drama. They will keep hoping for a long time. Henry presses the button for the lift as we reluctantly make our way back to the room.

Our bags are waiting for us this time around when we enter our room. I sit down on the random chair in the room while Henry opens up his suitcase. This is it. This is our fate. We have to share a room for the week.

"I'm going to shower and take a nap, are you going down for breakfast?" Henry asks. He's pulled out all he needs to jump into the shower.

"I'll shower after you and then go to breakfast," I reply. I wait for Henry to finish his shower by sitting on my phone, enjoying the free wifi. I reply to Ava's message, playing it dumb with a 'What is it??'. She is quick to reply with 'I got you and Henry a room away from everyone else so you don't have to worry about making noise', with a million more emojis. This time I can't play dumb so I simply do not reply. Henry comes out of the shower with a towel around his neck, in shorts and a t-shirt. He uses the towel to dry his hair while sitting on the edge of the bed. Only once he makes eye contact with me do I jump out of the chair to open my suitcase.

I take my stuff out of my suitcase and go shower too. By the time I come out of the shower, Henry is already fast asleep in bed. He has closed the curtains which block out all the sunlight, making the room dark. I try to move around quietly. I make sure I have my key card and phone as I leave the room and a sleeping Henry. This isn't the first time I've seen him asleep but it is the first time I have seen him asleep in a bed.

Breakfast is uneventful. I didn't bother socialising with the random people who I am sure were familiar with the line outside the coach. As far as I am concerned, I need food and sleep. Hopefully, Henry is awake when I return upstairs to our room so I can get some sleep too. The food I am happy to say was delicious. If all else fails on this trip, at least I know I had one good meal out of everything. When I return upstairs, I open the door slowly, only to find Henry still fast asleep. Honestly, it was hopeful thinking for me to wish he was awake by now.

Well, it looks like I won't be napping today. That iced coffee better work and keep me awake. We are set to meet Ava around tea time and the day is clear for all of us to rest and explore the hotel since everyone is arriving today throughout the day according to the itinerary. I decide that sitting on the bed is better than the chair. I sit on top of the covers with my phone and start going through Instagram so time can pass. Usually scrolling is the fastest way for time to pass. I sit on top of the covers next to a sleeping Henry who is far away in dreamland. I am jealous. I want to be in dreamland too. It's in our best interests if I ignore him so I face away from him and shuffle to get into a comfortable position. Instagram is entertaining enough as usual with many cat videos and new trends to keep be entertained. I don't really know at what point I stop being entertained and my eyes close from the tiredness.

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