Chapter Six | Meet the parents (again!)

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Screaming while jumping up and down at my victory causes the neighbour on the other side of Henry's flat to knock on the door to make sure no one was dying. Henry blamed a spider. That also shut me up real quick but did not wipe the glee from my face. Henry did not have such an extreme reaction since he actually had lower stakes than I did. He did, however, let out a low groan. Fate really is on my side for once.

After my excitement died down, I decide to be an adult and make sure he is actually on board, "So will you be my plus one to Ava's wedding? This is the only chance I'm giving you to back out."

"I knew what I had to lose and as you said, I am getting a free trip to South Africa. There are worse consequences out there," Henry replied, a little less sullen than earlier. I did not wait to message Ava that I did in fact have a plus one and what details did she need. Ava replied within a minute, 'So happy to hear that, just fill out this form for me." Her message has a link to a google doc form which I forward to Henry to fill out, along with the invitation with the full itinerary. I watch over his shoulder as he uses Whatsapp web to open the link. The details are a little more thorough than I expect but Henry fills out the majority with ease. I didn't even nag him to do it, I dare say he was a little eager..?

I send Ava a follow-up message when he's submitted to let her know so she can follow up with me if there are any issues. Just like that, all my problems are solved. I don't bother replying to the thumbs-up emoji, knowing she will send more instructions at a later date. Now all I need to do is worry about packing but that is a problem for the future. Henry does not kick me out but he gets glued to work so I decided to leave and carry on with my own neverending list of chores.

Life is back to normal and my peace is restored.

I think I should throw my phone away. It is the root of all my problems. One phone call later and my parents both can't wait to meet my plus one, except they have met Henry before in passing whenever they visit me. They insist on having dinner to get to know him better since I have never mentioned him (this is a lie) and they need to know more about the man who's consuming my time (partially true since we live in each other's places). I know Ava must've mentioned my plus-one to someone and through the grapevine, they found out. If I didn't already visit my parents frequently, this would feel like a summoning.

Henry did not complain when I told him he should come to dinner with my parents. He did not get the hint to decline when I told him it was not compulsory. He asked what was on the menu instead. In fact, he was happy to get a free home-cooked meal from my mother. I just hope he doesn't get addicted to her homemade lasagna.

One bus ride later, we were standing outside the semi-detached house that I grew up in. The white walls were a little faded but the colour never changed since my mom always insisted on having it painted white every few years. I don't bother knocking, letting myself in with my key since they are expecting me and they usually take too long to answer the door. I am sure my mom is fretting even more than usual since Henry is with me.

I pull off my jacket and placed them on the corner of the staircase bannister. Henry follows my suit, pulling off his shoes to put them with all the other shoes in the house. He dressed up in jeans and a light blue shirt. I have hardly ever seen him wear jeans. He looks different. He catches my eye while I check out his outfit. I shake my head. I announce our arrival as if the sound of the front door didn't give us away.

I got to the kitchen to find my mom fretting just as I predicted. My mom pulls Henry into a warm hug, "It's lovely to meet you again, my husband is in the front room watching snooker, why don't you go join him."

She points in the direction of where our front room while keeping a grip on my arm, preventing me from following Henry. I want to watch snooker with dad too. Unfortunately, my mom has other plans. She hands me the good plates to put on the table. The table is already set with her lace white tablecloth and all the good cutlery, except the plates. I know she got those plates out of the top cupboard with the help of my dad. She was really going out for Henry.

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