Chapter Eleven | Duty-free is the best place to shop

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Last night I spent way too much thinking. All my thoughts are for nothing. I expect a lot of things this morning. When Henry arrives in the morning, he waits for me to switch and lock everything up. I throw away the rubbish into the dustbin too and my recycling so I don't come home to my place smelling like a rotten fish. He wheels his suitcase and rucksack out my door while I lock up.

I put my house keys into my handbag and double check I have my passport in the same side pocket that I packed it in last time. This is probably my millionth time checking, but I will rather be safe than sorry. No one wants to miss their flights because they forgot their passport. Henry grabs the handle of my suitcase and pulls them with his. He put his black rucksack on his back. There is a bright blue neck pillow attached to the bag that swings as he walks. I follow behind and try to take my suitcase from him when we leave our building.

"This is my suitcase, Evelyn. I basically packed it," he says, not letting go of the handle. It is cold and dark outside already so I let it go and tuck my hands into my pockets. I was dressed comfortably for the 12-hour flight in leggings and a long baggy shirt dress. I don't look good and I don't care. I need comfort and jeans are not going to work for me.

Henry and I barely say anything to each other as we go to the station and jump into the emptiest-looking carriage on the train with our suitcases. Henry puts both the suitcases where the prams area and stands over them, allowing me the chance to take a seat closest. Someone needs to invent breaks for suitcases so they don't start rolling around every time the train stops at a station.

I check my phone notifications, catching up with messages even though I don't have a signal since we are underground. Ava booked a lot of people on the same or similar flights out today and made a group chat so we can all keep in touch with each other. It was just another way to clog up my phone. I opted out to join meeting up at the airport or catching cabs together to Heathrow airport. Imagine someone else makes you late because of cab sharing. That would be the worst feeling ever. We are going to be spending a week together so I don't think it is necessary for us to be together for every second.

Either way, my parents left the country a few days ago so there is no one, in particular, I want to travel with, aside from Henry. Most people are acquaintances that I know through Ava anyway. If they want to make their own plans, I will mind my own business and stay in my lane. Nothing like forced social interactions to make a journey longer.

The best part of travelling with Henry is that I don't have to force a conversation with him and he doesn't even do the same. We have reached a level of understanding where we can just be in each other's presence and be happy with the company without filling in the silence. Those are the best type of people in the world to have, especially when you have a long journey and an overwhelming week ahead of you. Our train ride to the airport is smooth and nothing out of the ordinary happens.

The airport is a busy unhinged chaotic place, I spot someone eating a full english breakfast even though it's the evening while someone else is having mimosas. There is just something about this place where time outside doesn't exist and the only numbers that matter is the boarding gate and the seat number.

After we check-in early and go through security, we decide to spend our time browsing duty-free. I personally love going to the perfum shop to see if there is a new scent I might like. The prices are also tax-free which means that the airport is the best place to buy perfume. I grab a few of those paper strips and spray bottles that take my fancy to see if there is anything to my liking. Henry is in the men section, looking at a few bottles.

I wander over to him to when he seems to be debating over something with himself. He is looking at one particular bottle of Dior by picking it up and putting down a few times. He holds a white strip of paper close to me face, "what do you think of this one?"

I sniff the paper. The scent is not too strong and subtle. It reminds me of when I walk into Henry's place a little bit. Honestly, it would suit him very well. Henry isn't looking at me for my reaction, as he shakes his head.

"It's nice," I reply, but he is not listening as he looks at his wrist. He pulls out his phone and mouths a quick sorry and walks away to answer the call. I watch him walk away towards the boarding gate seats. A sale assistant interrupts me.

"Is there anything I can help you with, miss?" she asks politely.

"Uh, no. I am just looking," I automatically reply before changing my mind, "Actually you can, please tell me how this perfume costs?"

I point to the bottle that Henry was looking at. She tells me the price and confirms it the same one on the strip of white paper. Without another thought, I go to the till to purchase it. A nice gift for him. I sure hope he likes it. I just take the bag and put it inside my massive handbag, checking to make sure Henry is still on his phone call.

As I walk towards Henry, I catch the end of his phone call, "Ok mom, I'll let you know when we are on the aeroplane. Bye, love you."

"Find something you like?" he comments. He was probably watching me the same way to make sure that we did not lose each other in the airport. He must've seen me at the till or talking to the sale assistant.

"Yes, I did." He didn't ask if it was for me so it wasn't actually a like. To make sure he doesn't go back to the shop, I make up at excuse to leave, "we should get to the boarding gate early so we don't have to run around this airport."

Henry looks at the shop and then checks his smart watch, "Yes, we should go. It's quite a walk. Do you want me to carry your bag?"

I decline his offer, He throws his arm over my shoulder and we make our way towards the boarding gate. It is a long walk and in the end I did give Henry my brown handbag to carry since my shoulder was starting to hurt. I packed way too much in there. People were running and sprinting towards their gates, which has me checking the time a million times to make sure we are not late. When we got to the boarding gate, we did not have to wait long until we started boarding since we took a slow walk.

Henry takes the window seat when we board the aeroplane. I did not mind since I plan to sleep most of the flight. Between last night's lack of sleep and the journey to the airport. I am exhausted. I send my parents a message to let them know that we are both safely on the plane and I send Ava a message too. I switch off my phone. A random lady sits next to me on the other side and politely greets us. She also seems tired so the conversation doesn't last long.

I yawn as the air attendant goes through the safety speech. My eyes are ready to close after we take off. Henry pats on his shoulder, removing the armrest between us and whispers to me, "Come sleep comfortably on me."


I know it's short but I did not write all weekend since I was busy. 

Got tired of fictional women not buying their men gifts. 

What do you want for christmas? 

IG: randomsweetstuff 

Twitter: gossippikachu

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