Part 2

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It's when he actually started gaining on me that fear started to kick in. I refuse to let some rich kid outsmart me.

Traffic was bad, so the only escape was to run straight into it. The sound of wind rushed past my ears every time a car passed. It was a three phase , so I'll just lose him on the other side.

Holy shit, he's actually coming after me.

"I'm not done with you!"

Whatever.  I took my chance to run completely across, halfway through the last road I got yanked back. Hitting the ground I could barely think.

Devan yanked me back up by my wrist , but wouldn't let go. "Are you out of your mind!" I yelled, my heart rate picking up as the honks filled my ears and the lights blinded my eyes. A truck was driving toward us.

"Let me go!"

I fought against his grasp.

"Devan ! What the fuck!" I heard his friend yell from the opposite side.

It all happened so fast, I kicked him right where I knew it would hurt. Without looking back I ran, I ran and I ran some more. If I looked back I don't know what would come of me. So I ran.


1 week later


"You! Change your mind like a girl changes clothes, yeah you!"

Ugh! I put down my pen. Leaving my room, I barged into my sisters.

"Aura! Would you shut up?"

She switched off the speaker and continued to stare at me like a dear caught in headlights.

"Geeze, what crawled up your ass?" She dared to say.

Ugh, I groaned. Slouching my shoulders. "I don't even know, I wish I was jamming to Katy Perry"

Plopping myself onto her single bed, with barely enough room for me. She plopped herself practically on top of me.

"I write a test tomorrow and I barely just finished handing in my assignments...I need to get this degree, and I'm so so close"

"You don't have to work so hard Riya, you work at the cafe in the morning , go to school in the day and study at night...might I add you used to work at a strip club too !" Aurora said the last part with a slight giggle. "You put my Starbucks job to shame" she sighed dramatically.

I brushed a piece of hair out of her face.
"Ugh I know...and on top of it all you still got the straight blonde hair"

"It's not like we had the same dad anyway"

"Aurora!" I smacked her arm.

She laughed which caused me to laugh, as in truly laugh. I enjoyed the feeling.

"No but seriously, you need to chill out."

"How Aura? Who's gonna pay for shit? The deposit on this crappy apartment is almost up too... who's gonna pay for that? Mom's on her deathbed and I miss her, and the reason why we're gonna lose her is because of money. That damn hospital is probably making her worse and there's nothing I can do about it."

Her thumb brushed my cheek and only then did I realize I was crying.

"I miss her too...but she'd want to see you enjoying life"

"2 months..that's it, then I'll get my degree and start working properly. I'll buy you an iPhone and pay for real medical help for mom."

"Yeah...I think I wanna stay in highschool for the rest of my life. Being the dependent one rocks" She snickered.

I laughed again, gosh what would I do without her.


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