Chapter one, Emmy's POV

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,,Wake up!! It's four in the morning!! Get ready for training!" Ruy's loud voice sounded through our room. I heard Alice groan as I got out of bed. She was definitely not a morning person, but neither was I. Before getting ready for practice, I shook Alice's shoulder with my gloved hand, as tardiness was severely punished here. I never wanted to experience that pain again. As I walked toward the training room, I pinned my fitted black tunic so it fit properly. The Neverseen did not wear comfortable and luxurious clothing. Two things were waiting for me, in the middle were bowls with ice-cold water, which served to regulate body temperature, and Lady Gisela. Both things weren't very good. 

Lady Gisela only shows up when there is something to complain about. But today she didn't look angry, she looked nervous. Something I've never seen before. Her ice blue eyes stared straight into my emerald green ones. I wish I could turn into a mouse so I could escape her gaze. I could, it's my ability. But it would have painful consequences. I was punished harder than everyone else because my existence is something unnatural. "You're late, Emerald!" Her clear, cold voice stated. Actually, I'm not, but you shouldn't contradict Lady Gisela. And you definitely shouldn't keep her waiting. I nodded and waited for the unbearable pain that was bound to follow. 

But it didn't come, instead she continued to talk: "I have an important task for you" "For me?" I asked her in disbelief. "Didn't I make myself clear enough?" she went back to her cold self. In response, I quickly said, "Yes you did," and bowed my head. "I hope so, because you have to listen carefully now!" I'm still shocked that I can do an important task for her. Because not everyone my age gets a chance. My silence was apparently a yes, because she continued: "You know I have a wood-headed son." 

I nod a bit dazed because Lady Gisela never talks about her family. From rumors one hears that they have split. "He escaped to the Forbidden Cities to the humans a while ago." She pronounced the word humans like an insult, "and now I want you to find him and bring him to me. "Why me?" I ask. Lady Gisela looks at me as if that were the dumbest question in the world, she sighed theatrically: "First of all, you're almost the same age as my son and just as naive." He got his naivety from you, these words burn on mine Tongue. I just wanted to shout them out. "And secondly, my son has recently manifested an ability - which poses a threat to our mission - but you could take it from him."

 "You mean I should take your own son's ability?!" I was afraid of my Weird ability for a long time. "You were created for that, weren't you?" Lady Gisela interrupted my thoughts. That I was created is true, I owe my existence to two people who provided their DNA for me. However I have never met them. As I have no parents, I was raised by Fintan Pyren. He was like a father to me, but now he is no longer with us. Suddenly an idea spat through my head. While I'll be in the Forbidden Cities with the humans, I could look for him. For I knew the council kept him in a special prison with the humans. So I said quickly, before Lady Gisela could change her mind: "Of course I am!" 

In confirmation of my ambition, she nodded and continued: "We have a method of finding my son. He is in Paris, at the moment near the Eiffel Tower. I hope you know where the Eiffel Tower is.",, "Of course I know, I've been there several times!" Lady Gisela nodded and gave me a blue crystal, don't do anything stupid with it," she said and left. I went to my room and quickly packed my things. There weren't many anyway, so it didn't take long. In my human clothes I put some human money. I was about to leave my room when I met Alice on the doorstep. "Hey Ivy, is your training over yet?" She asks me curiously and looks at me intently. "Do you always have to use my code name? And to your question: Yes, my training is already over." I twisted my red hair and made sure that she didn't see through my lie. "Don't lie to me!", she said and looked straight at me with her atlantic blue eyes, "I know that you always play with your hair when you lie" I cursed myself inside and said very quickly:,, Okay, Summary : Lady Gisela sent me on an important mission and you can't tell anybody about it" "Really?!" Alice's eyes widened in surprise. "Yeah really," I put my finger to my lips and walk past her.

 As I quickly crossed the hallway, I called over my shoulder, "See you soon Alice." I found my way out and felt the sound of the sea and the smell of salt. Freedom! This is what I was just offered and I gladly accepted the gift. I held the blue crystal in the warm rays of the sun. Taking another deep breath, I stepped into the beam of light.

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