Chapter 14

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{14} Blair POV

Dan and I walked out of the dress shop and went to put my stuff in his car. "Thank you so much!" I said kissing him on the cheek. I noticed he was blushing as I pulled away. "So where to next?" I asked excited the day wasnt over yet. "Well I wasnt thinking we could go to the park." He suggested. "Yes!" I said not even sure what a park is. 

We arrived at the park and got out of his car. It was tons of fields, and beautiful trees. "Wow this is awesome." I gasped as I skipped around. "Hey.. Do you mind if I video you? I like to post them online and come on... your to pretty not to be in them. It will give my fans a break from looking at my face." Dan shyly asked me. "Well of course you can. But I would never get tired of your face." I smiled. "So what do you want me to do?" I walked over to the fresh green grass. It smelt amazing, I couldn't even describe it. I took of my shoes to feel it between my toes. I felt a huge green come over me face as I laid down into the grass. 

I was rolling around like a little kid. I had completely forgoten that Dan was there until I looked up to see he was filiming me. "Why are you filming this.." I blushed and hid my face. "No keep doing that its cute!" He laughed as I took my hands off my face. I sat up and straightened the sun dress I was now wearing. I got up and stuck my tongue at the camera. "Come be in the video with me!" I said poking his sides. He put the camera down on the hood of the car and walked over to me. "Okay what should we do?" he asked. "Hmm... I want to climb a tree!" I said running over to a tree about 2 feet away. 

"I don't really know how.." I confessed and grabbed on to a branch. I didn't really have any upper body strength but I managed to prop myself onto the first branch. "I did it!" I cheered. "MMaybe you shouldnt be climbing in a dress." Dan said cracking up. I reached the next branch and was even more excited than before. Everytime I got higher, I got even happier. "Look i'm on the fifth branch!" I shouted down at him. "Maybe you should come down from there..." Dan said genuinely worried.  "I'll be fine!" I said. "Look no hands!" I said as I let go of the branch. Thats when it all went bad. "No!" I heard Dan shout as I fell from the tree. I let out a little scream. But I didnt have to worry for long, because he caught me.

I was cowering in his arms when I realized I was still alive, I just had a few scrapes. I looked up into his eyes, he was still holding me. "Y-You saved me.." I stuttered not looking away from his eyes once. He smiled still gazing into my eyes. I began to lean in and he did the same. And that was the moment our lips first touched. It was absolutely amazing. He slowly put me down and wrapped around my waist. He pulled me close as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was going so perfect. He pulled away from me and smiled. I grabbed his hand and said "Your camera is still on." I smiled and pulled him over to it. "That will be fun to watch later." He smiled pulling me in to one lat kiss before we went home.

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