Chapter 7

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{7} Dan POV

Blair is absolutely adorable. She asked me to play tag with her, God I can't remember the last time I played tag. She brings out the inner child in me. Right now i'm holding her hand as we walk to the lift. Everytime she walks her silky hair glides back in fourth. She almost never stops smiling which puts me in a good mood. I'm falling for this girl harder every second. 

We finally reached the lift and I could tell Blair had never been on one seeing how amused she looked. "Awh you two are such a cute couple!" Some annoying girl said. I saw Blair look over at her with a gleam in her eye. "Oh.. we arent dating...haha.." I heard myself say. It wasnt at all what I wanted to say. I looked over at Blair who was starring down at her feet looking really upset. Half of me felt really bad, and the other half was filled with hope that she might actually like me. 

We got down to the courtyard finally. I noticed that she was admiring the grass down below. I felt bad because i forgot to offer her some shoes. She didn't even seem to care. "Okay you're it first!" Blair said grinning super big. "Oh alright. I'll give you a ten second warning." I said jokingly. She began to run around laughing her head off. "One... two..." I started to count not taking my eyes off her. "TEN!" I skipped too because /i was so eager to catch her. "Hey thats cheating!" she giggled.

I started chasing her not being able to keep the laughs in. I was so close to tagging her when she tripped and we both fell down. By then we were both laughing hystericaly. Then reality hit me. I was laying on top of the most beautiful girl in the world. Thats when I got all serious and gazed into her big violet eyes. There couldnt be any better of a time. I was ready to kiss her.

I started to come closer to her when she panickly shouted "Oh my gosh, is it raining??" I don't know why she was freaking out. It must have been because she didn't want to kiss me. "Yea, Its okay dont worry. Just a little shower." I said a little too depressed. "Oh no... I have to go." Sh panicked and stuggled to get out from under me. And just like that she was gone.

I just laid there for a few minutes. I must have freaked her out so much. It started to rain even harder and I decided it was time to get up and look for her. "BLAIR!" I called out. There was no reply. She could be anywhere by now. I decided to call Phil and ask for help. "Phil, I was hanging out with blair and then it started raining and she freaked out and ran away. I dont know what to do help me." I practically cried through the phone. "Dan theres something going on with her. More then just some wreck. I dont even think thats how she got washed up on shore." It sounded crazy but I kind of believed him. "It stopped raining, im going to look for her. We can talk about it later." I hung up on Phil. 

"Blair! Are you there?" I started to call out again. I walked around the corner to see a door slightly open. "..Blair?" I began to go closer to the door. "Dan? Is that you?" Blair asked from the other side of the door. I ran towards the door and pushed it open. "Oh my gosh you had me worried sick!" I said knealing down to the floor where she was sitting. She wasnt wet at all, Even though it was raining pretty hard just a few minutes ago. "I'm sorry..." She whispered so quiet that I could barely hear it. "Dont be sorry, lets get you back to the flat." I said reaching out for her hand to help her up. I lifted her up and we both walked together back to the flat.

Washed away (A Dan Howell FanFic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat