Chapter 25

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{25} Phil POV

I took a sip of my drink as tons of gasps came from the crowd. Everyone turned to look at something. I spun my head around to see it was Dan, holding his bloody wound. I ran over to help him.

"Dan?? What happened?!" I yelled once I reached him.

"T-They.... have Arista.." I croaked out with a shaky voice. My eyes grew big. I remembered the night we found out about Arista. I knew that she was just going to cause more trouble. I didn't want her to see Dan anymore, But I knew he wouldn't want that. It amazed me that creatures like her exisited. 

I broke out of my train of thought to focus on Dan. "We can help her after we take care of you Dan." I said trying to get him to take care of his stab wound. "No Phil! We dont have much time! They will take her back and then theres nothing we can do!" He shouted at me. I knew he wouldnt have it. Thats when he began to cry. Dan was a pretty tough kid, he never cried. So this was a big deal. My heart broke when I saw that. "Phil... Please..." He pleaded before Carry pulled him over to fix his wound.

I hesitated before running over to Caroline. "Arista was taken by some weird merman people and Dan was stabbed. Carry is fixing his wound but we need to save her." I whispered in her ear. Caroline's eyes grew big as she looked back at Dan. They exchanged looks. Soon enough she turned back to me, and dragged me out the door.

"What are we going to do?" I wondered aloud. Caroline looked around the parking lot. "Phil be quiet!" She shushed me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a car. "Look, over there!" She pointed to a man standing by a van. He was on the phone. "God where are you?! Shes in the car lets go." He shouted angrily into his phone. Something about him seemeed familuar about him. 

It took me awhile but I finally remembered, it was Arista's "Friend" Kale. I peeped my head over the car we were behind. Kale hung up the phone and opened the van trunk. I heard a squealing coming from inside. "We need to move closer." I whispered to Caroline. She nodded without looking away from the van. We crawled behind the car in the parking space over for a better look.

I could now see the girl sqealing the back was... Marina.

Arista was laying down on her lap, like she was passed out.  Marina was screaming and crying, but she had a cloth over her mouth and she was tied up. "Oh my god... what are we suppose to do?" I asked Caroline with fear. "I have a plan." She told me. A sigh of relief came over me. Caroline was so smart, I dont know what id do with out her.

"Okay I'm going to act as a target and distract Kale. When I'm going that you need to get them out of there. " She commanded. 

"Caroline what if it doesnt work...? What if he takes you too?" I started to doubt the plan. She kissed my lips. "It will be okay Phil." She said before initiaiting the plan. 

Before I could stop her she ran right up to him. "Heyy.... Can you help me...? I think I'm lost." She fake slurred. She was trying to act drunk. A sick smile came over his face, I knew he was going to take advantage of the oppertunity. He lead her over to the other side of the car. This was my chance.  I crawled over to the back of the van. I could still hear Marina screaming on the inside. 

I slowly opened the door. Marina's eyes grew big when she saw me. "Shhh!" I warned her. I untied her hands so she could get the cloth off her mouth. "I'll carry her and you go in there and see if Dan is okay." I whispered. She nodded before crawling back into the ball room. I picked up Arista, her skin was warm against my cold hands. There was a huge tan stain on her white dress. I didnt know what from, but it wasnt there earlier.

I began to carry her while crawling back to my car. I heard Caroline and Kale still talking.

Finally I reached my car and put Arista in the passanger seat. I got in the other side and sat there thinking what to do. Caroline was taking care oh Kale, and Marina was finding Dan. I guess Arista was my priority. I looked over at the helpless girl sitting next to me. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. I know that for the sake of Dan I needed her safe. And everything bad was here, So I began to pull out of the parking space and drive away. 


I pulled up to a hotel a few miles away. If I went back to the flat theres a chance they may find us again.  I left her in the car while I went to book a room. It might look just a tad bit weird if I brought an unconcious girl in there. 

I walked up to the front desk. "Hey can I have a room for the night?" I asked. The inn keeper nodded and handed me a key. I gave him my credit card so he could charge it. "Alright that will be floor 3 room 12." He informed me. "I'm gonna go and get my uh.... bags." I mumbled as I ran out the door.

I picked up Arista and ran over to the side stair entrance door. I swiped my card and it let me in. Finally we reached Room 12, floor 3.

I laid her down on one of the beds and just looked at her. She seemed so peaceful sleeping. Her hair was still in a perfect up due, and even if her dress  had a huge stain on it, it still looked great. I couldn't help myself, she was sleeping so peacefully no one would ever know. I leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips.

Once I pulled away her eyes fluttered open. "P-Phil...?" She asked confused. Oh crap. What did I just do. 

Washed away (A Dan Howell FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon