Scary Monsters! ~Screaming Halloween Show~, Part 10

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(Author's note: Thank you so much to my dear friend, Lightgail25 for creating and providing this picture.)

(Warning; this chapter contains scenes that may be too distressing to some readers. Viewer's discretion is advised)

Idia let out a tired sigh as he trudged down Main Street and headed back to the library. It wasn't even close to noon and already he was so exhausted. "Ugh... Those visitors' attitudes were awful." He muttered to himself. "Magicam Monsters, the lot of 'em. The worst kind of vapid normies—the kind that assumes if they're having fun, everybody else must be too. I never want to have to face one... If I do, I know conflict would be unavoidable. I'd better make a plan for if any Magicam Monsters show up at our dorm's station. The play's probably to let Ortho deal with 'em. He's way better at talking to people than me."

"Commencing technomantic energy charge." Ortho said, speaking in a more robotic, monotonous voice. His chest opened up to reveal a small cannon and he held his hands close to the barrels, and all three began to glow a pale blue colour as the cannon slowly built up power. Immediately, three of the Ignihyde students rushed over to him and tried to stop him.

"Ortho, don't do it! You don't have to go that far!"

"Argh, we can't stop him! His technomantic cannon's building energy fast!"

"And we're gonna be right in its blast radius!"

"Once the charging is complete, I will fire a beam at max output. Target Halloween Week participants will be eradicated." Ortho declared.

"What did I just walk in on?! Who's being eradicated, now? And did I hear you say "beam"?!" Idia shouted, going into a panic as he saw the pure chaos that was erupting in the library.

"Dorm Leader! I'm so glad you're here." One of the Ignihyde said in relief as he and the others rushed over to the blue-flame-haired third-year.

"Ortho's about to fire off a techomantic beam. He's not responding to any of us!"

The third student looked over and saw that the guests weren't moving from their spots and just kept filming. "Excuse me! Please, you HAVE to get out of here. You're in danger!" He called out to them. But they ignored him and were smiling, cooing over Ortho's adorable appearance. Completely oblivious that there minutes away from being killed. "Awww, how cute! That little boy's wearing a robot costume!" One woman squealed.

"You're right! Is he dressed as one of the mascots you see out in front of, like, cell phone stores?" One man asked.

"That's some one-of-a-kind outfit right there. Can I take a picture?" His friend asked as he held up his phone.

"Ortho's aiming a weapon at them and they don't even care about running! Is crisis management their dump stat?!" Idia questioned, disturbed as he gripped his head.

"Charging. 30% complete... 40% complete..." Ortho robotically reported. Idia snapped out of it a bit and realised that he needed to stop Ortho before he obliterated the entire school with them in it. He ran behind his younger brother and opened up the back panel. "I-I gotta put in the cancel command..." He says to himself as he tries to press the keyboard's buttons, but because of his bulky armour, nothing is getting through. "AHHHH! My armour's making it so difficult to type!"

"Why didn't you implement voice recognition?! I'd like to request emergency maintenance." One of the students said.

"I'll do it in the next update! But for now, let's just get the guests out before he can fire!" Idia tells his students. They nodded in agreement and went towards the Magicam Monsters and tried to put as much distance between them and Ortho's cannon as possible until they were out of the building. Idia kept glancing between the keyboard and the Magicam Monsters, seeing how his students were having trouble getting them to leave as they kept complaining and trying to film as much as possible. Seriously, did none of them have any self-preservation?! Idia nearly groaned in frustration. Like he has a choice. He summoned his magic and created a grid-like wall and forced the Magicam Monsters away. With that and the students getting them out, that should be enough. Now... "Augh!" Idia yelled in frustration. He gripped his armoured gloves, wretched them off and began to type in the cancellation in Ortho's unit. It was a close call but somehow the students managed to push the Magicam Monsters out of the Library and Idia canceled the cannon blast just before it was completed. The students drove the last of the Magicam Monsters out of the library and shut the doors in front of them. Ortho froze and closed his chest cavity and Idia carefully peeked up behind him. "...Are they all gone?" He asked. When he finally heard some peace, Idia stood up and let out a long sigh. Putting back on his gloves, he said, "At least we were able to talk Ortho down before he went ham on them..."

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