Scary Monsters! ~Screaming Halloween Show~, Part 9

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"Oi, you piece of trash! We ain't just some pushovers here!!"

"Need us to beat you up for you to learn your lesson?! HUH?!"

Two of the Savanaclaw residents shouted, baring their sharp fangs and cracking their knuckles as they stared down the interlopers that were tramping all over their venue. However, neither one of the two boys was even remotely fazed by their, visibly clear intimidation. "Whoo! This is SO intense!"

"Can you do that again? I wanna capture it for posterity!" The young man said as he raised his phone.


"T-the Savanaclaw students are straight-up fighting with the guests. This could blow up any second now!" Vargas said in shock at the scene he was suddenly seeing. Even before he and Jack stepped foot inside the venue, they could hear the yelling and growling from outside. Now that they were, Vargas saw it was much worse than he thought.

"Neither side would listen to me when I tried to talk them down. I had no idea what to do." Jack told him as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Where's Dorm Leader Kingscholar? The students would listen to him." 

Jack froze in place as his eyes widened. "Well..." He cautiously veered his gaze to the side and Vargas followed in his direction and saw Leona walking up behind the two Savanaclaw students who were moments away from beating the guests into a bloody pulp. The Lion Prince had an expression of controlled rage and one could practically see the fire burning in his eyes as he stood before the guests.

"Hey. Guys. You better listen to me when I say...DON'T LET ANY OF THEM LEAVE HERE ALIVE!" Leona shouted.

"On it, Boss-man!" The two students shouted.

"He's not stopping them? He's instigating?!" Vargas yelled, dumbfounded by how that was the first thing Leona was planning to do.

"Yes, sir. Leona-senpai's the angriest of them all." Jack said, sighing. "We'd been holding him back with Ruggie and the other committee members, but he's reached his limit..."

"Ah, Jack!" Ruggie called out as he rushed over to the taller, bulkier student. He looked stressed out of his mind and close to breaking down. "You brought Professor Vargas! My Unique Magic can't hold Leona-san for much longer! Hurry and help me out here!"

"Someone's bound to get hurt if we don't stop this." Vargas says as he stares back at the rest of the Savanaclaw students. He then spread a wide grin and declared, "Okay! Let's settle this fair and square—the muscular way!" With confidence by the truckload, Vargas charged up and cut in between the Beastmen and the guests.

"BUTT OUT, OLD MAN!" Leona roared.

"Ugh...They're beyond reasoning." Ruggie groaned. "Jack, I say we sneak in a spell or three and eject the guests."

"What? We can't use magic on laypeople!" Jack told him.

"If we don't, then they're gonna get hurt." Ruggie shouted. "If you want this to be a happy Halloween, you gotta make some tough calls! Unless you don't care about making this a special experience for your girlfriend."

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!! And...Rgh... Fine! Let's go!" Jack growled. Although Vargas is slightly narcissistic about himself and his physique, and a bit simple-minded at times, he is genuinely a strong, tough guy so he had no trouble in holding back three powerful Beastmen from murdering the guests on his own. While he was taking care of them, Ruggie and Jack got to work. First, Jack created a barrier to push the guests away from them and lead them out of the Coliseum, but since they're never the ones to pass up the opportunity to get pics with the intense Beastmen, the guests became relentless and tried to break through. So Ruggie stepped in and used a levitation spell to drag them out. He was already tired from holding back Leona but he had to push through and get every single guest out of the Coliseum. Once they were all gone, Jack and Ruggie finally had a moment to breathe and they slumped to the ground.

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