Happy Beans Day ~Reclaim the Golden Harp!~, Part 4

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*Meanwhile, back with the Farmer Team*

Now that Jade and Rainier had joined forces with Cater and Willow, the group decided to move to a different location to, hopefully, avoid any more encounters with the Monster Teams. During their walk, Jade has been eyeing Cater and Rainier's bean shooters. Getting to the coliseum was one thing but going there and getting the harp was another. Even with Rainier here, he's still young and a first-year, so it would be a challenge. "Anyways, we should be heading to the coliseum to seize the harp, but... If we expect to survive this I need to get a bean shooter as well." Jade said.

Grim snapped his head towards the older Leech twin and stared at him with wide eyes. "Eek... so you are after our bean shooter after all?! I won't stand for it!" He shouted as he jumped on Cater's arm and gripped his bean shooter. Trying to protect it, glaring at Jade. Rainier's bean shooters were in special holsters so he wasn't worried about them. "Well now. I meant no such thing." Jade with a small smile.

"But enemies are likely waiting around our supply points so the risk is high." Cater pointed out. "And we can't get everything we want. If we want to go to a supply point we've got to have a careful plan."

"That's true. I do have one thought along those lines... or rather, one hope. If "Smith"-san is here, we may be able to loan out a bean shooter." Jade said. Making the three students look at him with confusion.

""Smith"? There's a student with that name?" Cater asked him.

"Would this Smith fellow be a friend of yours, Jade?" Willow asked.

"Mm, I wouldn't say that. But I do have a source that will be able to affirm his whereabouts, so I will lead the way." Jade tells them as he began to take charge in leading the group towards their new destination.

"Ummm, well, if the well-connected Octavinelle vice dorm head says so, I guess I gotta believe it. We're allies right now, anyways." Cater said, smiling.

"But we are friends." Willow said. The past was in the past, and things have worked out between her and Octavinelle. So from the day they all went to that museum in the beautiful undersea world, Willow considers him, Azul and Floyd as her friends. The older twin smiles at the young girl and nodded in agreement. "Thank you. Then please head back to the gardens first and we will head to our objective from there. Before the bean shooter, there's something there I'd like to get my hands on." He said.

"We might be able to get our hands on some emergency fruit rations there. Alright, departure time!" Grim happily says as he hopped down to the ground and began his march towards the botanical gardens. The two fairies rolled their eyes. Grim really couldn't go about five minutes thinking of food, can he? "Grim-chan, how bottomless is your stomach?" Cater fretted.

"One of life great mysteries, as they say." Willow said with an awkward smile.

"Even so, we should follow him before he hurts himself." Rainier said.

The group looked over at the map and followed the path that lead towards the botanical gardens. Before long, the large glass structure appeared before them. However, they all had to take a closer look and survey the area before deeming it safe enough to come out into the open. "Arrived at the gardens! ....is what I'd like to say, but..." Cater started to say before the whole group started to smell something....really good. A great amount of spice and grilled meat. They didn't even need the map halfway into their walk. They all followed the smell straight into the gardens. Something that doesn't belong in a place where fresh and sweet flowers and plants reside. "There's been like this, weird smell for a while, right?"

"You say weird, but it's this unusual eastern spicy smell that whets the appetite..." Jade said.

"Oh my, it smells wonderful." Willow says as she sniffs the air.

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