Happy Beans Day ~Reclaim the Golden Harp!~, Part 1

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Author's note: For each event, I'll be publishing them after certain Chapters based on the teammates for the respective events, as well as including each new Fairy that appears.

Willow was nearly out of breath as she ran down the stoned path. She looked over her shoulder to see if any monsters were chasing after them, but fortunately, they were in the clear. For now. But still, they have this one chance. Willow stopped running now that she had reached the coliseum. Hunched over as she tried to catch her breath. Rainier stepped up and gently rubbed her back while she gathered her strength.

"Are you sure you're strong enough to keep going? I'll gladly go in your place." Rainier tells her. Eyeing the coliseum with caution. It was the final run and he didn't want to risk her getting caught. Willow reached up and held his arm. Shaking her head. "No...no, I'm fine. I can do it." She tells him with a breathless smile.

Her eyes looked up to the large structure. Standing up straight as she gathered her courage. She almost couldn't believe they had managed to make it here unscathed. They were very few survivors and unknown numbers of monsters left. Two sets of footprints came up behind her and a hand placed itself on her shoulder. "Willy-chan, you're the only one who can bag that monster. We're counting on you." Cater said.

"Willow-san. Our lives are in your hands." Jade tells her.

"A sound mind dwells in a sound body. Remain calm and focus, and you can accomplish anything." Rainier reassured her.

Willow could feel her heart banging inside her rib cage. She was honestly surprised that she hasn't fainted much sooner, but she can't quit now. Her friends were all depending on her. She must see this mission through. She took in a deep breath and stood her ground. "My heart's pounding out of my chest...but... I can do this!"

~Exactly One Day ago~

Many students were all sitting in class, chatting and laughing amongst themselves as they waited for their teacher to step in. Amongst these students were the trio of friends. Ace, Willow and Deuce were sitting near the front, playing a game of cards with the fairies sitting on the sidelines, judging. Rosebell was in the middle calling out Grim for cheating when Professor Crewel walked into the classroom. Once they saw him, most of the students quickly put their things away and quieted down. The two fairies quickly dove into Willow's school bag before they were seen.

"Be good and sit down, puppies." Crewel announced as he stepped behind his desk. "For tomorrow's traditional Night Raven College event... You must be divided into groups for "Happy Beans Day". To make the division fair, it will be by lottery. Come to me in order of your numbers." While the students got up from their seats and began to line up at Crewel's desk. Some of the students looked pretty amped up for the annual tradition of Night Raven College. Some were already talking about who'll team up with who. But all Willow could do was blink in confusion. Happy...Beans...Day? What was that? Also, this school holds traditional events?

With all the magic in this world, does it mean there's an event where a special type of beans are brought in and bring happiness to the school? ...Or are the beans themselves happy and everyone celebrates it? Willow was trying to come up with a reasonable answer, but she couldn't decide which one sounded right. She wasn't the only one who was confused, Grim, who was resting on her shoulder, was just as much about this new event. "Happy Beans Day? What is that?" Grim asked.

"A traditional school event?" Willow guessed with uncertainty, feeling very stupid about this. She was a student here too, so she should've been more knowledgeable about the school's practices.

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