Scary Monsters! ~Screaming Halloween Show~, Part 6

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Monday. Halloween Week, Day Two

The Fairies and Grim were standing on the sidelines together, watching the members of the Basketball Club try and urge Willow into choosing one of their venues as her favourite. As much as the girl wanted to say that everyone was her favourite, she knew that would never satisfy them, so she kept saying she couldn't choose and hoped they would spare her. "Yeesh. Everybody on this campus has an ego." Grim sighed, already getting tired of their antics.

"Really?" Ember questioned as she and the other Fairies shot Grim an unreadable stare.

"Yeah, like you're one to talk." Rosebell muttered.

"After all, don't you hold a lot of pride in yourself, Grim?" Eira asked. Causing the other Fairies to nod in agreement and laugh. Grim frowned and crossed his arms in defiance. "Hey! When I do it, I'm speaking out the truth." He told them.

" important to choose one?" Willow gently asked them. "I-I-I mean, not that it's wrong to hope the best for your dorm, I-I just..!"

"The students in each of our dorms pulled together and threw themselves into the Halloween effort. None of us want to hear guests saying our dorm was the least impressive." Jamil tells her.

"Yeah! It's all about reputa—." Floyd began to say when something small had crashed into him.

"Ow!" A small voice cried out. The force of the crash had caused the owner of the voice to fall to the ground, but Floyd simply looked down as it barely had any effect on him. "Huh?" He went. The group looked and saw that a little girl wearing a simple black dress and black witch hat sitting on her little behind with a small jack-o-lantern pail beside her with her candy spilled all over the ground.

"That little girl just ran straight into him." Grim said.

"Whoa, you're TEENY. I was wonderin' why it felt like a minnow was brushing by me." Floyd said with a laugh.

"Oh, little one, are you okay?" Willow asked the child as she kneeled to her level. She reached out to help the little girl up to her feet. As she was dusting the girl off and making sure that she wasn't hurt anywhere, the child glanced up and turned white as a ghost and jumped back when she saw the towering giant that was Floyd. Seeing him smile down at her with those trickster eyes made her want to cry. "Eep! I-I-I... I'm s-s-sorry..." She whimpered as she clung to Willow for safety.

"You're scaring her, Floyd. You're too tall." Jamil said.

"No kidding. I'd be scared too if someone twice my size loomed over me menacingly." Ace said.

"It's okay, dear. He doesn't mean you any harm." Willow gently tells the little girl as she patted her back.

"Aw, really?" Floyd asked, looking at his club members. He turned back to the child and said, "Hey, sorry, little minnow. Here, I'll crouch down. Is this better?" Floyd crouched to the little girl's height and, shockingly, gave a kind smile. Softening his expression entirely and appearing friendly. Willow blinked in surprise and blushed lightly. She'd never seen that type of face on Floyd before. Plus, she had no idea Floyd was good with children. "You gotta watch where you're going, or you could hurt yourself." He tells the child. The little girl stared at the older boy and slowly began to relax now he wasn't a giant anymore. She swallowed her fear and took a small step forward, clinging to Willow's sleeve as she did so. "I'm sorry. I just... I couldn't find it..." She said.

"Couldn't find what?" Jamil asked as he and Ace leaned down to try and help the lost child.

"Did you get separated from your mom?" Ace asked.

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