Beach Day! | Chapter 17

Depuis le début

Once we were dressed, Chara walked over and kissed me on the cheek.

Chara: Did you like that show?~

Y/n: Mhm, the main CHARActer was my favourite.

Chara: Hehe, maybe you'll see more in future episodes~

Y/n: Then I can't wait~

Chara giggled and pecked me on the lips, she then held my hand and interlocked her fingers with mine.

*Knock knock*

I was about to teleport us when I heard a knock at the door. So I walked over and opened the door to see Evan. He appeared to be wearing his blue and red dress from yesterday.

 He appeared to be wearing his blue and red dress from yesterday

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(In case you forgot)

Y/n: Ah, good morning, Evan.

Evan: Morning, dad.

Y/n: What can I do for you?

Evan: Could we walk to the dining hall?

Y/n: Of course!

I gestured for Chara and she did. She hugged Evan and he happily hugged her back. We both left our room and then walked to the dining hall with Evan.

Evan: Dad?

Y/n: Yeah?

Evan: Why are you wearing that?

Y/n: Well, today we'll be going to the beach.

Evan: Really!?

Y/n: Mhm, we're gonna meet up with one of my friends and his girlfriend.

Evan: I've always wanted to go to the beach!

Y/n: Did you not have a... good childhood?


Y/n: You don't have to tell me, but I'm here if you do. And this is all new to you, so I don't want to overwhelm you.

Evan: No... it's fine. Umm... well... my great-grandad fought in WW2 and after he died in Germany, our family had it tough. I... think it was 10 years ago when... my mom died to... suicide. It was when my "dad" left us... she just...

Y/n: I understand. But I'll never leave you, I promise. Also, I've heard about your family.

Evan: R-Really?

Y/n: Mhm, you're... a descendant of a MEV, number 5 to be specific.

Evan: L-Like you are?

Y/n: No, not anymore, I gave that name up 100 years ago.

Evan: O-Oh. How am I connected?

Y/n: Well, Hazel Garcia, MEV5's real name, had a sister. She had a son who became a therapist for those who served in WW2.

Evan:... I had a great-granduncle?

Y/n: I suppose so. But the therapist went on to y'know, get married and have a daughter.

The Cosmic Human | Fem!Chara x Male!Reader (Undertale)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant