Waterfall Date | Chapter 6

337 6 36

Your POV:

I woke up as the non-existent sunlight beamed through the white and red curtains like it always would. I yawned tiredly and saw a pair of arms wrapped around me, I was confused so I turned around and I immediately saw Princesa's sleepy face in front of me. I smiled and blushed at her face and put my hand on her cheek as I started rubbing it softly with my thumb.

She's so pretty and beautiful, I don't know how I got the most beautiful princess sleeping with me but boy am I happy. I don't think Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel will be though, I don't think they like the idea of us sleeping together. I wonder why, it's not like anything could happen between us.

Chara: Mmmmmm...

Oops, I think I'm waking her up by rubbing her cheek. Princesa then tiredly opened her eyes and looked at me before smiling.

Chara: What you doin'?...

Y/n: U-Umm... nothing...

Chara: Hm... well it feels nice...

Y/n: Oh... ok. Should we stay longer or have some breakfast so we can go to the Waterfall?

Chara: Mmm... cuddle... then breakfast...

Y/n: Haha, alright.

Princesa moved closer to me and dug her face into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I... I don't know what this feeling is... but I like it.

*knock knock knock*

"Y/n, are you awake?"

Y/n: U-Uhh, n-no?

"Well, make sure to be down before breakfast, you've already slept in one day you can't sleep in another."

Y/n: O-Oh, alright.


Chara: Shhhhh.

"Chara, I know you're in there, what did we talk about?"

Y/n: Queen Toriel, I did promise this to her, and I always keep my promises.

"Hmm, alright, but tonight, no more sleeping in each other's beds, am I clear?"

Y/n: Yep.


Chara: Mhm...

Y/n: She said "mhm".

"Alright, good. Make sure to be out of bed in time."

I heard Toriel walk away from my door and I just kissed Princesa on top of the head and started to stroke her soft hair which caused her to relax her body into me. Again, there's this same feeling, what is it...? It's like... It's... like-

Chara: Y/n.

I was snapped out of my trance by Princesa saying my name as she looked up at me, and I looked down at her.

Y/n: Yes?

Chara: I'm... getting this weird feeling, are you?

Y/n: Yeah...

Chara:... Do you like the feeling?

Y/n: I... don't know... I've never felt it before... so I don't know how to feel...

Chara: Neither have I...

Y/n: Do YOU like it?

Chara:... Yeah...

Y/n: Then... I suppose I should like it...

Chara: No, you don't have to like it because I like it.

Y/n: But-

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