Talk about First Impressions | Chapter 2

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Asriel POV:

Asriel: C-Chara! W-Wait up!

I was running after my sister, again... *sigh* must she always do this?

"C'mon! Last one there has to be pushed in!"

She's so chaotic, but I love her.

Asriel: You know we both can't swim!

It's always daring and death, can't we just read a book in the library? Guess not. I see Chara up ahead, something must've been in her way. She then suddenly stopped which was weird, so I caught up to her and breathed heavily as I looked down at the ground.

Chara: A-Azzy, l-look.

I looked up from my heavy breathing and saw a figure lying face-first on the ground in a black suit.

Asriel: Umm, is that a person?

Chara: Better not be, otherwise I'll be throwing them into the lake.

Asriel: Chara, m-maybe we should get someone.

Chara: Eh, let's leave them.

Asriel: W-What!? B-But they'll freeze!

(This is in the woods before you get to Snowdin.)

Chara: So? It'll preserve their body and keep them alive, don't you know that?

Asriel: N-No?

Chara: Well, they'll be fine, we can continue.

Chara jumped over the figure and started running to the lake. I sighed and looked down at the figure before poking it to see if it was still alive, yet it didn't move, so I jumped over it as well and continued running after Chara. And as we ran through the snowy cold forest I could see the lake up ahead with Chara about to reach it.

So I took a deep breath and started to sprint as fast as I could which made me catch up to Chara in no time. We were now running side by side determined to not let the other push us. We got to the lake a minute and I started to slow down because I knew there was ice around the lake because of the water.

Asriel: C-Chara! S-Stop!

Chara: Why!? So you can catch up!? No way!

Asriel: N-No! B-Because of the ice!

Chara POV:

I was about to win the race when I saw Asriel slowing down which made a grin grow on my face.

Asriel: C-Chara! S-Stop!

Chara: Why!? So you can catch up!? No way!

Asriel: N-No! B-Because of the ice!

Crap, I forgot about the ice. I tried to stop running but ended up slipping on the ice before zooming into the freezing cold water.


I heard Azzy's voice get quieter as I froze up in the freezing water and start to drown. I tried to swim but ended up making it worse, so I only watched as the surface light got darker... darker... and darker...









Your POV:


I heard distance a distant call for help as I opened my eyes. I found my face directly on freezing cold snow, so I quickly got up and looked around me to see I was surrounded by a winter forest, thanks, Gaster.

The Cosmic Human | Fem!Chara x Male!Reader (Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now