The (not so lone) Knight | Chapter 1

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Y/n: I'm so cold...







Y/n: I'm so hungry...







Y/n: I'm so alone...







You were living in a cardboard box under a freeway in a busy and noisy city. The sound of the loud vehicles and the smog they produced were taking many years off the life you had been cursed with. So as you rested the back of your head against the concrete supports of the bridge with your head rumbling every time a vehicle passed over, you closed your eyes and remembered your life before.













There was a war, between Humans and Monsters, with the Monsters coming out victorious. Which was said to be impossible because no Monster had the power of Determination. But amongst the Monsters, there was one Human, one Human who was filled with Determination. This Human... was you.

So when you stood with the Monsters, you were called a traitor, a coward, and worst of all... a Human. You hated yourself because you hated Humanity, so once the last Human was slain by you, the King of Monsters approached you and... stabbed you with his big red trident. You knew this was going to happen so... you accepted your death with a smile on your face.

But something refused to let you die, something you didn't want yet couldn't get rid of, something called... "Determination". This word made your mouth taste sour and it had poisoned your mind just like it had done to the other Humans. You were ashamed when you came back only mere seconds later.

The King killed you again, but you still came back, again and again. He grew frustrated as you grew tired, so you kneeled to him and offered to leave and said if you ever returned... you could be thrown into the dungeon with no food until you starved to death. The King accepted the terms whilst the Queen refused, but you wanted this, you NEEDED this, so you left in silence with a smile on your face.

Many other Monsters offered you to stay with them, but you refused all of them because the screams of your kind were still playing in your mind like it was a park. But this didn't stop one skeletal Monster from approaching you after 4 years of living in solitude. He said he knew a way of removing your Determination for good, which you questioned at first but ended up believing.

So the skeletal Monster took you to his lab and hooked you up to this big machine that he said could remove your Determination. And as you looked around the room, you saw the King, Queen, and Prince watching from behind a glass wall. You smiled at them before the skeletal Monster activated the machine.

The Cosmic Human | Fem!Chara x Male!Reader (Undertale)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt