4. Preparing

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The early morning rays of sun peeked through the curtains, casting a gentle warm glow over Rieka's sleeping form. Fynn stirred before waking up and seeing his beautiful mate asleep on her side, facing him; her breath even- causing her chest to rise and fall steadily. 

The memory of their kiss in the garden last night caused Fynn's beast to growl, "We need to mark her. Show the world she's ours.We will... soon. Very soon, Fynn responded in his head. 

Fynn gently caressed Rieka's face, running his fingers through her soft long hair. As he gently kissed her forehead, Fynn sent a silent prayer of thanks to both moon goddesses for sending him the most perfect mate to be his partner and his Queen. 

The door opened quietly and an omega named Luka entered with a cart laden with food. 

Please set it here by the bed Luka. Fynn mind linked the young wolf. Luka nodded with a smile and obliged. 

Did you need anything else your majesty? Luka asked through the link.

Fynn shook his head, No thank you. Please give your mother my best, and be sure to head to Tobias before you leave today. I have a package for the two of you waiting with him.

Luka smiled a big smile before bowing slightly and heading out, closing the door behind him.  Fynn smiled sadly. Luka was just a teenager, but he was the spitting image of his father, Gregor, Fynn's longtime friend and guard that died when he was taken by the sirens. 

When Fynn returned and found out that Gregor had died, he visited Mariana- Gregor's wife- and Luka immediately. He'd known Gregor and Mariana since he was a toddler. Fynn gave Luka a job in the palace kitchens- since he was only 14- to help the family, but also put him in junior warrior training free of charge. He made sure Mariana was taken care of with a large stipend, put aside a few hundred thousand in a trust fund for Luka when he turned 18 for college, and gave Mariana a raise- she was one of the palace's seamstresses and handled all the designs for the royal family. 

Rieka stirred beside him and opened her aqua eyes. Fynn smiled lovingly, "Good morning my love. Did you sleep well?"  

"Mm-hmm." Rieka responded with a stretch, "It smells delicious in here."  Fynn got up and walked over to the cart to start making them plates for breakfast while Rieka admired the muscles in his back and sculpted abdomen which were on full display; his boxers hanging dangerously low on his hips. 

Fynn returned holding two plates laden with Greek breakfast pastries, yogurt with fresh fruit, and hot Greek coffees.  Rieka took a sip of the dark liquid, "Oh my goodness! It's so rich and sweet!"  Fynn laughed, "Not as sweet as you my love."

Rieka rolled her eyes at the corny joke before taking another sip.  Fynn tucked a stray hair behind her ear, "I'm sorry to eat and run, but I must be off.  Georgia will be here in a few minutes to take you to your dress fittings." Rieka leaned into his hand on her face and kissed it, "It's okay. I'll see you tonight though right?"

"Of course.  If you need anything at all, just ask one of the staff and they will link me. I will always come if you call, no matter what." Fynn lightly kissed Rieka's soft lips that had a faint taste of sugared coffee, "I'll see you tonight. I love you more than anything, my luna." 

Rayna whined at the separation as Fynn put on a button up gray shirt which showed off his eyes, and white pants.  He ran his hands through his dark black hair to make it more presentable before blowing Rieka a kiss and closing the door behind him. 

Rieka finished her breakfast, enjoying the quiet before the busy day ahead of her. 

No sooner had she gotten dressed in leggings, sandals and a tank top, when a loud knock sounded from her door and a voice yelled, "You better be decent cuz I'm coming in!"

Wings of War (Book 2 of Dark Wing Collective Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant