7. Winding Paths

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A hooded figure sweeps through the crowded streets of Euterpapolis; barely a ripple in the hustle and bustle of the Central Marketplace. 

She passed by vendors, down alleyways, and through the winding streets until she came to an unassuming door near the outer edge of town.  A sparrow statue was perched above the doorframe, almost seeming to watch her approach.  

Upon stepping up to the door, the woman turned towards the sparrow and sang 9 simple notes in a quiet melody- barely audible to human ears if one was standing right next to them. 

The soundwaves carried to the bird statue, causing the eyes to glow.  Shortly after, there was a click behind the door as the lock was undone, and the woman opened the door and entered. 

Inside, the lanterns flickered and cast an eerie glow on the dark stairwell leading down below the ground.  The woman pulled her hood back revealing Adrillina's dark hair pulled back into an ornate braided style on the top of her head with the remaining hair falling gracefully onto her shoulders. 

She descended the stairs and entered a room where about 20 other sirens gathered and quietly talked amongst themselves. 

Catlia approached her through the crowd, "Ah, I was wondering if you'd make it." 

"I'm surprised they let you in.  We don't often allow vermin indoors." Adrillina replied coolly. 

Catlia sneered, "I come with news from the palace. We need to start to act and soon."

Adrillina pondered a moment, "Fine. You may share your news at the table when I ask."

They both headed to the round table in the middle of the room. Adrillina took her seat at the table with Catlia behind her chair.  "Everyone, please take your seats. We must begin."

All took their seats, and Adrillina stood to address them, "My friends.  I thank you for gathering here today.  We have much to discuss.  As you know, Princess Ligiea has been out in the real world with our Succubi allies, creating a safe space for us to integrate into modern society off the coast of the United States." Adrillina used a claw to slice her hand and place it onto a circle in the table. 

The blood caused the table to light up, projecting Adrillina's thoughts above the table, like a magical tv- showing the islands off the coast of California, "These islands will be the staging ground for final training, new identities, and final details on what starter jobs we have for our people once they arrive. Then, the world is yours to do with as you please. Live your lives! Freely! Away from this prison of a city.  With Ligiea on the throne, we will spread like wildfire throughout the world, feasting on all the wonders it has to give. Living among the other species during the day, and feasting on our prey only as needed to survive.  We cannot risk open war as we did before. The world today is far more populated and there are more species than there was. This new life comes at an understanding that to be IN the world, we must be OF the world and blend into the ecosystem that the current society deems acceptable."

"And what is the plan for our empress?" A shrill voice from the back of the room asked.  Adrillina looked at the shadow where the voice came from and Sceera emerged, "Empress Corraelyn will not be so easily dethroned." 

"Her voice may be strong, but we have allies." Adrillina grinned, motioning to the door on the side.  Dylan emerged from his space hidden in the corner. Gasps were heard among the sirens. 

"Wolves, lycans, succubi, and more rogue factions world wide have joined our cause. Princess Ligiea has worked tirelessly to gain sympathetic supernaturals who will aid us when the time comes," Adrillina announced, "We will continue to sway our sisters here against Corraelyn, and once those who would stand against us are neutralized, we will be FREE!" 

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