9. Balls

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Finally the time of the ball arrived.  Dozens of the supernatural elite were arriving, dressed in their finest clothes. The palace was buzzing with laughter, excitement and 

Rieka took a hot shower to try and calm her nerves before getting ready.  

She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her before heading to her closet to grab her dress.  She looked everywhere but couldn't find it. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the small box Lucifer left for her a few days ago. She decided now was as good of a time as any to see what it was before she called for her dress, so she took it to the bed and pulled the card out from under the red ribbon;

I'm so excited for you Rieka. You will be an amazing queen. Just don't forget the warrior you truly are within. 

You might have noticed that your dress is missing.  Don't fret. Just open the box and try on your gift. More directions inside. -L

Rieka sighed and pulled the red ribbon to open the box. Inside was a beautiful black satin choker with a blue diamond pendant set inside angelic silver that was forged in hellfire, giving it a dark, almost black silver color. 

Demonic and Angelic energy radiated from the pendant. A small folded note was underneath where the choker lay inside the box. Rieka pulled it out and unfolded it.

To Rieka from Michael and Lucifer. May you be prepared for anything.  

Put on the choker. Touch the diamond and focus, picturing your dress for tonight. Once you figure the necklace out, change into your armor with the necklace then touch the diamond and picture your armor inside the diamond. Then finish getting ready. 

Rieka followed the instructions and pressed the diamond. White and black smoke swirled around her body and in a quick second, Rieka was in her dress! 

"That is so cool!" Rieka gasped as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her satin navy blue gown hugged her curves perfectly. The bodice was a strapless sweetheart neckline inlaid with vertical lines of black pearls, sapphires and diamonds.  A black sheer train that attached at the top of the dress in the back cascaded down to the floor in a dark shimmery waterfall- an homage to Rayna's black wings.

Shaking off the shock, Rieka changed into her armor and pressed the jewel, picturing her armor disappearing into the gem. The familiar smoke appeared and POOF! Her armor disappeared, leaving Rieka naked and amazed.  She touched the jewel again, picturing her armor and POOF! she was fully armored again.  

"Hell yeah. This is the best gift ever!" Rayna yipped happily. Rieka chucked at her wolf as she used the jewel to remove her armor and got dressed into her gown again.  

As she finished braiding her hair and doing her makeup, there was a knock at her door then her mother and Georgia came in, both dressed in their gowns.

"It's time. Are you ready?" Raziel smiled. Rieka grinned nervously, "As ready as I'll ever be." 

Georgia grinned mischievously, "Fynn's gonna lose his shit when he sees you. You look fine as hell." 

Rieka and Raziel busted out laughing and the trio headed to the party.


Fynn mingled with his parents amongst the crowd in the parlor area in front of the main ballroom, which was buzzing with anticipation.  Fynn's wolf was excited and they could feel Rieka's nervous energy through their mate bond. 

Don't be nervous my angel, Fynn mindlinked her, tonight is about us. Everyone else is just like gnats, buzzing and annoying but unfortunately, a part of what the night brings.

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