Chapter 12

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There's just not enough word to express how much I'm grateful for so many reads!

Anyways, sorry for distracting you, you have a story to read after all 😊


Not noticing the angry Wiggler that's headed for your way, your group was thrilled that Sullivan had been nice enough to let you guys ride with him on his express train, even Rabbid Luigi made the same sound as the whistle did like a child that has just learnt about trains... perhaps he is like a child? Regardless it is very cute.

As you watched the scenery of Terra Flora fly by, Chris's ear twitched when he heard Rabbid Luigi said 'uh oh', in fact Chris was the first to respond once he saw what Rabbid Luigi saw.

"Uh guys?" Chris asked a little worried which got everyone's attention.

"We've got company." This is when everyone realised what was going on, as an angry wiggler was rapidly approaching.

"Mama Mia!" Rabbid Mario exclaimed before jumping up and landed into Edge's arms, luckily she did catch him considering that she didn't pay much attention before nearly a second late.

The only person, or I should say, Rabbid on the train that wasn't even worried about the Wiggler was Sullivan himself, as he pushed the lever further to make the train go faster. As the train went faster, the wiggler was not able to catch up, still was angry as though it was it's mission to get you guys, none of you didn't really understand why. As the Wiggler went out of sight, the train continued its journey all the way to the darkmess tentacle.

You all celebrated once inside the tentacle, you high five'd Chris while Peach and Rabbid Luigi high five's each other and Rabbid Mario did some celebration dance. However, this was short lived as you all heard stomping behind you guys, making you all frozen with shock at first. The wiggler had managed to follow you guys, it then smashed one of the carts off the tracks, sending it fly to the bottomless atmosphere, Bowser raged at this as he waved his fist in the air as though he was going to fight the wiggler.

"Bowser are you out of your mind?! You gonna get yourself hurt! Or WORSE!" Chris called out as he joined Rabbid Luigi in pulling Bowser back from possibly falling off the train, you then noticed something wrong with the wiggler.

"Guys, I think I found the problem with this Wiggler! There some black ink on its body!" You said pointing out the darkmess ink on the angry Wiggler.

"Shooting them off its body should get the wiggler back to normal!" Mario exclaimed, turns out Chris, Luigi and you were already prepared to help this wiggler out.

As it turned out, shoting the ink off the wiggler was enough of a job to gain your now sixth purified darkmess energy crystal, the wiggler became it's normal yellow as it got back up after being tripped, looking around confusedly as though it had no idea where it was.

"I really hope that it's going to be ok..." You said at loud to yourself while everyone celebrated.

Returning to the normal dimension, the train wasn't in the best shape as it made a stop before even making it to the platform, in fact it was so close. From here on out, you guys will have to make it on foot to get to the top of Mt Spout.

But not before helping Sullivan by removing the thorns of the tracks, actually by going on foot to make it to the top, this gave Sullivan time to repair his train with the help of a train lover Spark and all the while your group removed the thorns, it was kinda like hitting almost three birds with one stone, I guess?

By defeating yet another darkmess tentacle from inside Mt Spout and rightfully earning the seventh crystal, water began to flow through Spout again as all of you found yourselves inside bubbles! Well except for both Rabbid Rosalina and Rabbid Luigi, Rabbid Rosalina was on top of a bubble that Bowser and Edge shared while she was reading a book, Rabbid Luigi on the other hand was on top of Luigi's bubble...

"Dude, you shouldn't really be doing that! You gonna make Luigi sick!" Chris said to Rabbid Luigi while he continued to run which was spinning poor Luigi, possibly making him sick.

Once the bubbles went high enough, one by one they started to pop, which includes the bubbles you were inside of, by the bubbles popping turned into rain! Water fell as lakes and puddles were formed, bringing the flowers back to life! Even the Everblossom tree never looked so beautiful until thanks to your group, which of course safety landed... kinda.

See at least Peach, you and Chris had the right idea of gliding, Peach used her dress like Mary Poppins would use her umbrella, you and Chris have the wonders of wings (please tell me you've read the Meet the Author and my ocs book, right? Or did I not mention this? Sigh). Poor Rabbid Mario on the other hand was used as a landing pillow for Bowser, as much as Chris did kinda wanted to laugh at this you did not find it funny in any form.

"Azzz for you, if any of you get married, go to prom or win a beauty pageant, my flowerzzz are yourzzz." Bea said as she turned to face you guys after she had told some flower rabbids to cancel any previous plans.

"That won't be necessary, I hope, but there is ONE thing... could you recommend a reliable mechanic?" Beep-O asked Bea.

"Our ship is going to need some heavy fire power if we're going to breach Cursa's stronghold." JEANI added.

"Oh magnanimous-hearted JEANI! If only I could minister to your every need! But atlas, this goes beyond even my talents! Thou must seeketh the fair and delicate Momma, flower of Barrendale Mesa and a mechanical genius most rare!" Sullivan explained sounding sad.

"We have just enough purified darkmess energy to create a warp tunnel to her location too!" JEANI added.

"Well, that's great to hear!" You said excitedly.

"Fairwell JEANI, though it grinds my heart to butter paste... you cannot be grounded, but must fly free as a whippoorwill." Sullivan said to JEANI as he tipped his hat, he sure loves to use the language of Shakespeare, doesn't he.

"Tee hee! Oh Sullivan, I believe I shall miss you." JEANI said, which was a bit of a surprise that she could show that kind of emotion, Beep-O on the other hand...

"AHEM! Momma, you say? Great. We'll let you get back to your rail road, hmm shall we?" Beep-O said sounding almost jealous, Chris chuckled.

"Beep-O? Are you jealous?" Chris asked with a smirk on his face, if Beep-O was capable of blushing he would be so red.

"Uh no I'm not! Can we just get back to the ship now?" Beep-O sighed with such embarrassment, basically everyone but JEANI could tell that he was a little.

You all then went back to the ship to head for Barrendale Mesa, which in your opinion could sound like another version of undertale.

Hey guys! I can't thank you enough for this many view on just one of my stories, it's just crazy to me.

I actually expected to write this without anyone really reading it, so it's just... yeah I've said crazy so many times already 😅

I can't wait to write the next chapter as everyone knows what going to happen.

See you next chapter!

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