Chapter 5

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After making it to the top of the mountain through a blinding blizzard, defeated the darkmess tentacle that caused the crazy weather change and grabbed your in total third purified darkmess energy crystal, the clouds started to move away as the blizzard turned into a gentle cold breeze, no longer making your group shiver. Ice and snow started to melt away from cliffsides, boats and even melted out of the way of paths that they've blocked earlier.

As the ice around continued to melt. You, Mario and Beep-O noticed that Luigi, Peach and Rabbid Luigi already finished making a snow-rabbid, completed with a scarf and a carrot nose, where did they even get those two from?

On the other side of you three was a bigger snow sculpture of a muscular body but with rabbid Mario's head, like as in his actual head was between the shoulders of this big ice sculpture, you giggled to Edge, Rabbid Peach and Chris's disapproval.

"Excellent work everyone! It's still cold but it's a GOOD cold, like if your grandpa was a snowman and he gave you a hug." Beep-O said cheerfully, JEANI then appeared and floated a little ahead of you guys to a path where ice was originally blocked.

"Beep-O, now that the storm is passed I am able to detect an unusual energy pattern over at that palace." JEANI explained as you guys made your way to the entrance of the path, from there was a breathtaking sight to see!

The view itself made sure to keep its title of a winter wonderland, the palace in view with sown and ice gently covering it, as though it was like Santa's home or something.

"With the storm over, we can rest assured that the worst has past." Beep-O said confidently.

"Beep-O, my friend... the real storms just begun." Edge said quietly enough that Beep-O didn't hear her but loud enough that Chris heard.

"What's that supposed to mean Edge?" Chris asked Edge curiously, you definitely heard that, yet why was everyone else going?

"Why would you say that?" You asked curiously, you were actually curiously while you just knew that Chris was trying to build up a case against Edge for one reason or another.

"Look, I'm just saying so we don't get our hopes too high, ok?" Edge replied as though she was hiding something, thanks red flags for showing us as the fact that there could be something else going on here even though Edge is like the coolest character ever!

"Ok I've actually been meaning to ask you a few questions, considering that no one else in our group is smart enough to notice a few things that I've noticed." Chris said to Edge in an intimidating way, you three have actually stopped your walking while everyone else was already on their way to the palace, this is just great, thanks Chris.

"Oh yeah? Like what?!" Edge said, starting to sound pissed off.

"Chris, I don't think this is a good time to start this right now, we have to get back to our group!" You said, trying to somehow deescalate the flame of this heating soon-to-be argument, but no one seemed to listen to you.

"Like one, were you actually following us back on Beacon Beach or did you just somehow by seer luck to find us?"

"Chris, you should stop this now."

"Two, how come did Augie accused you of being a Spark hunter?"

"Chris, stop!"

"Three, don't you think it's funny how there could be at least THREE Spark hunters?"

"Chris! Shut up!" Just letting you know, this whole time Edge had stayed quiet.

"And four..." Chris growled, he was in close proximity with Edge while she stood her ground silently.

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