Chapter 18

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WARNING! this fight has been changed for the purpose of this specific fanfic, this means that instead of the original two puddles three rounds like in the game, there's three enemies in one massive puddle.

So with this being said, I hope you all enjoy.

It's a little unusual not seeing a single soul as your group entered the darkmess dimension, actually more like uncomfortable. Regardless you all remembered what JEANI warned you all, by doing so you all have your weapons out and on guard for any threat that appears.

Having a look around, there appeared to be four islands floating, you all were on the biggest one as it seemed to be designed to be either a castle or some form of an outdoor defence, place? Thing? Damn even I can't explain, regardless it was the biggest island that seemed to be the most defensive. The three other islands on the other hand were not like that: one island was small but also had three half covers and three full covers, seemed to be enough for four people to stand on. The second island had a little more room than the first one, which also had a second floor to go up to, although thinking about it there didn't seem to be a way to get up or down from that cliff, that's not worrying at all.

The third island looked like it would be a baby version of the island you were standing on, with a tower on top of a cliff, which again didn't have a way to get up or down... something seemed off with that, was it intentional? Or were you somehow being overly paranoid? You looked over to Chris to see if his face expressions showed anything similar to what you felt, yet there was none, sure he was as guarded up as you and everyone else was, but not in anyway not more as uncomfortable as you were.

You all then stood frozen in place as someone took heavy steps out of the darkness that they were originally hiding in, you all turn around to face the upper ground where another Bowser was standing, though this version of Bowser was completely black with yellow glowing eyes and orange tipped horns which was like that for the horns on his back, he then roared before staring you all down.

"What. Is. HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!" Beep-O gasped in shock, as you all were confused and shocked while Bowser actually was angry and annoyed.

"Cursa, having descended from the Megabug in your previous adventure has inherited its memories, from which it reconstructed this likeness of Bowser." JEANI explained sounding calm, but before anyone could add something to that, the sound of a woosh from a sword was heard on your group's left.

You all turn to your left to see someone step out of the shadows, with a sword resting on their shoulder, it turned out to be a copy of Edge. Like the Bowser that stared you all down, this Edge was mostly black with yellow glowing eyes and the tip of her hair a glowing yellow which then faded to orange then black at the back of her head, you all were speechless.

"JEANI? what's going on here?" Beep-O asked worriedly, not knowing what's going on.

"Unknown, for Cursa to create a clone such as this it would need to inherit a DNA blueprint from the Megabug or... has created one itself." JEANI explained, you could tell that even though she sounded calm there was still a hint of shock in her non emotional voice.

You could hear a bit of commotion from your group but couldn't comprehend the words that were spoken of, due to a feeling deep inside of you that was warning you of something, this feeling didn't speak to you but you knew that if you didn't move out the way and grab Rabbid Luigi with you within the next few seconds, you both would be harmed. Without a word you grabbed one of Rabbid Luigi's straps and jumped back, getting out of the way of a blast that someone tried to shoot the both of you with, the shot came from the right.

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