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It became Dark quickly and we had to say goodbye. We now stand infront of my car.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him

Kei surprises me by kissing my cheek.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow"

He walks off leaving me a blushing mess.

I get into my car and just sit there. In my rear view mirror I see Kei pull out of the parking lot slowly.

He's probably waiting for me

"Okay f/n let's get home."

The drive home was silent but good. By the time I get home my stomach is growling.

Once home I make my into the house and head straight to the kitchen. I lay my phone on the counter then go to get sandwich stuff out of the fridge. It's simple and fast.

Just as I put the cheese on my ham sandwich my phone dings. With my now made sandwich in my mouth I grab my phone then take a bite out of the sandwich. I look at my phone to see Kei has texted me
"are you okay? Are you home"

I smile finding him checking on me sweet.

I decided to text back.


"I'm just fine. Just got home and having dinner."

I make my way to the two chair kitchen table and take a seat.



"Okay I had to check. I'll let you eat."


"It's means a lot you checking on me."



"Of course, I care about you."

I smile biting my lip.

"I love how he says what he means. I wonder if he was that way when he was younger."


"Thank you, that's really nice to hear."


"I'm only stating facts."

I let out a giggle and blush.

"At least he's honest. I'll have to ask Rin about him back in highschool again. Maybe he was like this or he wasn't. Growth can really can change people after all. Wow I feel like a teen girl again, Tsukishima Kei is my boyfriend and I'm gitty about it. Our confessions remind me of high school but I'm not complaining."

I take one last bite of my sandwich and finally it. I then go to my friend and grab a bottle of water. I pretty much down it. Once done I reply to Kei.


"Have you always been this straight farward?"


"Not with my emotions no. High school I acted differently. I'm a lot kinder now. I'm straight farward now too. If we went to high school together I'll tease you and flirt with you on the lowest level until you go out with me. Yeah I'd definitely tease you."

I laugh at this. "Rin did mention this."


"What would you tease me about?"


"Your height mostly but then there's how you wrinkle your nose when you laugh. How your a nerd. How you blush   Stuff like that."

I blush softly "That's doesn't seem to bad honestly"


"It doesn't seem too bad."


"I'm not like that anymore... we'll mostly"

I let out a yawn and look at the clock. "I need to get to bed."


"I need to sleep. Thank you again for checking on me."


"Alright, me too. Good night beautiful."

I smile and bite my lip


"Good night Kei."

I make my way to my bedroom and plug in my phone. I then get ready for bed.

"What a day."

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