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I follow Tsukishimas white car to Richies. Once we arive we get out of our cars and head inside.

"Good evening welcome to Richies— oh Kei." The girl I met before looks between tsukishima as we enter.

"Good evening Mako. Two strawberry short cakes please."

I look at Tsukishima "I can pay for my own. We should order separately."

He looks at me "It's a celebratory dessert and I'm paying. You fought well."

I eye him and smile "Okay, So did you."

We choose the first table and takes seat.

"So is this strictly business to the point of No getting to know each other or?" I ask

Tsukishima smirks "We will be seeing a lot of each other. Let's get to know each other but not to much."

"Would you two like some water as well?" Mako asks as she places down the shortcake.

"Yes please." I tell her. She nods and hurry's back. Water is free this i do know.

"So is there anything else you do in your spare time besides JW Alive?"

Tsukishima eyes his food "Volleyball, I play volleyball." He takes a bite. I too take a bite as he answers.

Once I swollow i start again "I see."

"So where are you from originally?" He asks. Mako comes back placing down our waters.

"America, Enid Oklahoma actually."

Tsukishima takes a drink "in Jurassic park 3 that's where the kerbies where from. What's it like?"

"Farmland in most parts. It's nothing special."

Tsukishima nods "So do you have a American accent?"

I laugh "I have a southern accent when I speak English but you won't hear me speak it just yet."

"Embarrassed?" He asks

"No! It's just not for everyone."

He tsks "it's not the first southern accent I have heard. I have a friend who is also American and from Oklahoma and Japan."

I blink "That's odd that sounds like my friend Keitorin"

Tsukishima frowns

"Mikami Keitorin??! Er Bokuto I mean?"

I gape "You know her?!"

Tsukishima sighs
"More than I like to admit, she's something special. I met her my 1st year in highschool. We are friends."

No way!

"Wow and here I thought our world wasn't that small."

I finish my cake first then start drinking my ice water.

"Is this going to be where we conduct our battle meetings?"

I look at Tsukishima "Basically you want to meet and eat cake yes?"

He nods "However next time your paying."

I pout "I didn't agree yet."

"Your even cuter when you pout, and why wouldn't you agree?"

I blush softly "I'm cute?"

He nods "so do you agree or don't you?"

I slowly nod not sure what to say. I've stayed away from relationships for a long time so this is sudden.

"S-Strictly business?" I ask

He smirks making my heart race oddly enough
"Would you rather we be friends and battle partners?"

I hmm "We mise well. Let's exchange numbers." I take out my phone and Tsukishima takes his out and we do both that.

"I don't usually give my number out to people I just meet wether we are friends or not this is a first for me." Tsukishima places his phone back in his pocket.

I nod "Same, I don't mind in your case."

He raises a brow "so I'm special?"

"Of course! Your my raid buddy." I giggle.


We both by now are finished with our cakes and waters. Soon the shop closes.

Tsukishima has already paid and we are just sitting and looking from out JW alive app to each other.

I frown "Man somtimes I really suck getting dna from these dinosaurs. Other times I do a good job."

"I hear you."

Mako steps farward "we will be closing in 2 minutes."

Both Tsukishima and I look up from our phones. 

"Oh, I should be heading home." I tell the two.

"We stayed longer than I entented." Tsukishima mumbles but I hear him.

I turn to him and bow. "Thank you for treating me."

He smiles and rubs the back of his head. "Ah no, I mean it's ok. Let's do it again."

I stand up straight "Sure thing."

Tsukishima walks me out and to my car. "Be safe Tsukishima."

I open my car door and slide in. "I will, you too." He says shutting my door.

I start the car and put on my seat belt and watch as Tsukishima gets into his car. I look in the mirror to see my self flushed.

I haven't felt like this in a long time. Things escalated quickly. He sure is Handsome.."

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