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Riena has been showing me the ropes since I got here and her caffeine hype hasn't diminished.

"You will have to restock the merchandise depending on how many visitors we have. The plushies and lunch boxes usually go fastest. Just keep track of what you stock. Most likely you will restock at the end of the day depending on how the day goes. How are you with numbers?" Riena looks at me.

I tilt my head "I'm not the best to be honest"

Reina nods "well good thing we have a register. It's not difficult to use, I believe you will catch on quickly concerning that area."

I nod "I've never worked a cash register before, if you don't count the self checkout at the Walmart."

Reina blinks twice "The what? I'm almost sure we don't have those here. Wall mart?"

I shake my head "I haven't seen one yet, Walmart is a popular super center that's popular all throughout America, but— Ah never mind."

Reina gives me a head tilt but quickly looses interest and continues talking.

"Okay so lunch is at 12pm to 1pm. we break with the rest of the museum staff. The museum closes for lunch. Here come with me and I'll show you around the register."

Reina walks with me trailing behind her.

"Okay so this is how you open it."

Riena holds up the key attached to her lanyard.

"There's only two keys. I have one and Kai has the other. One key goes to the person on shift at the register. I have the emergency key."

I watch as Reina unlocks the register. She pulls out the tray to show me. Not much money is inside except for the change we give back to the customers.

"It seems simple enough." I say with a smile.

Reina returns my smile "It really is. I'll have you observe Kai when he runs the register. You'll catch on quickly I'm sure."

"Am I observing today only?" I ask curious.

Reina closes the register "Yes, part time with me and the others. Kai runs the floor today. Ryu will help the customers on the floor while Kai man's the register. I'd like you to take note from them both."

"L-like actual notes?"

Reina giggles "If that's how you wish to do things."

I scratch my cheek "I have a good memory on most days."

"No worries L/n-San, you will be fine."

Reina continues showing me around the small shop. She explains how to stock things like how they should be positioned. The plushies must always face farward. That goes with most merchandise.

"All right I'll leave you with Kai, be ready for a busy day just incase."

As soon as she says that Kai walks back into the store and heads our way.

"Looks like we got a 4th grade class coming from Ushi Elementary. So far that's all scheduled. Our day depends on who shows up without reservations."

Kai clasps his hands together after finishing his sentence. He looks between Reina and I.

"Lovely. Alright Kai, L/n-San is under your wing for the time being. Show her how to use the register.okay?"

Kai smiles "You got it boss."

Reina looks at me "alright I'll check back in later. I have things to do."

I bow to her "Thank you Reina."

"Your welcome. Have a good day, good luck." She sends me a wink then leaves me with Kai. I notice Ryu going around with a clip board looking at the things stocked on the shelves.

"Ryu is the guy to go to involving stock. He helps costumers too but he's a perfectionist and always checks to see if we are ready to go for the day." Kai smiles looking at his cousin.

"Is it really just us four?" I ask

Kai blinks "shop Employees? Yeah. It's not exactly a popular job. The store, It's not too hard to manage. Things will go easier with you around."

I laugh "I see, Thanks. I can't believe this job isn't popular. I expected more employees to be honest."

"Well we are a small bunch but we get the job done. Well shall we get to the register? I'll show you how things work." Kai pats my arm and walks past me.

"Sure thing Kai."

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