Ch. 13

15 0 0

It wasn't long before the day became busy but thankfully not too busy.. yet.

"Make sure to bag things twice. Yeah like that! Good job l/n-Chan."

After bagging the toys I hand it to the little boys mom.

"Thank you have a good day." Kai and I say at the same time.

I watch as they two walk away. The store isn't filled with people but it's got a decent amount of customers.

"It's rewarding seeing how happy the customers are. Im happy they are enjoying them selves." Kai smiles

I look around at all the smiles and laughing customers.

"I understand that."

Kai looks at me "want to take the next one? I'll bag."

I look from him and to the register. "S-sure."

Kai laughs "Don't be so nervous! You got this! Look here comes another costumer."

I look ahead and see a little boy coming our way with a lunch tin in his hand. Kai takes me by the shoulders and moves me infront of the register.

The little boy places the tin on the counter. "Just this please."

I take the tin and look at the price tag then scan it. The tin is about 25 US Dollars if I was in America.

The little boy places his money on the counter.

"Here ya go, Thank you for ringing me up."

I finish up the transaction and Kai bags the tin.

"Thank you, here you are." Kai hands the little boy his purchase and the little boy gives a big smile.

"Yay! Thank you! Bye!"

The little boy runs off and Kai looks at me.

"See that wasn't so bad."

I sigh "I hate numbers."

Kai laughs "Don't worry, our lunch break is coming up soon."

As he says this I immediately think of JWA and Tsukishima.

I smile "That is a plus."

ᗪIᑎO-𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora