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One home I take a advil then relax on my couch. Kei hasn't texted me back yet— oh

My phone dings and it's Kei.

"A few yeah. You?"

I smile just knowing he's talking to me


"No, I went to church. It was very rewarding. I learned a lot."


"Good for you. I'm not much of a Church person."


"I figured. You don't seem like the Godly type. I like you anyway."


"Thanks? I think.."


"I ment nothing bad by that."


"I know."

I put my phone down and make my way to the bathroom because I got to pee.

(There's not enough bathroom breaks)

I usually take my phone with me but this time I don't.

After doing my business I come back and pick up my phone again.


"So where are we going on our date?"


"Where do you want to go?"


"Hmmm.. (Your favorite restaurant)"


"Your expensive.."

I laugh


"You asked lol."


"( favorite restaurant) it is."


"I could pay my half."


"No, I asked you out so I'll pay."

I smile softly

"Alright then. So Tsukishima Kei tell me more about yourself."

Not but two seconds later my phone rings.

I see Kei's name pop up.

"Hello? I say into the phone.

Kei: "Hey."

I bite my lip "What's up?"


"Let's get to know each other a little more."

Me: "Alright."

Kei and I talk and ask questions concerning each other. He asks about my past and I ask about his. We stay up basically telling each other a lot of things.

-Time skip-

By the time Kei and I get into the deep stuff I nod off. It's morning and I cover myself up more trying to block out the light. Soon my alarm clock goes off.

I groan "Nooo it's too early. I have work."

My eyes open wide as I search for my phone. I sigh in relief when I find it. It's still plugged in and not dead thankfully. I throw my blanket off and head for the shower.

After getting ready I grab my things and head out the door. As I lock the door I yawn.

"Good Morning F/n Dear!~" Yumi sings as she looks at me from her porch.

I look to her and wave "Hi Miss Yumi."

Yumi smiles "Have a good day dear."

I begin walking to my car "Thanks Miss Yumi, you too."

I get into my car and open the canned coffee i had in my purse. I don't take a sip I down it.

"Ahhh... I need another. Oh well." Putting my seat belt on I drive off to work.

After what feels like forever I arive at work. Just so happens so does Tsukishima.

I get out of my car with a yawn. And so does Tsukishima.

"Morning." I tell him him.

Tsukishima gives me a slight glare

I frown "What?"

"You fell asleep last night talking to me. Talk about rude."

I gape at him "I had a full day."

Kei smirks "Your cute none the less."

I blush at his comment and he winks and walks passed me.

I sigh "Such a tease."

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