He got snapped out of his train of thoughts by MJ giving him a hard tap on the head with their pencil. "Stop panicking. We need to talk."

"You do realize that saying stop panicking isn't an automatic fix-all, right? Oh no stop panicking? Now I don't feel panic anymore. Especially after you just said we need to talk which everyone knows is the most panic inducing sentence in history." Peter responded, his voice laced with sarcasm.

Ned tried to cover up his snort with a cough. MJ gave him an unimpressed look before continuing. "Sarcasm and quips aren't going to distract us. Me. It might distract Ned."


"Inside voice, Ned. Also, you know it is true. Either way, we know you are hiding something from us. We don't know what yet. Right now you have a chance to tell us the truth, before you dig a deeper and deeper hole for yourself."

Peter visibly hesitated, then sighed. "You are right but... not right now. Not here. Give me some time to work things out. I don't know, a week? Maybe two? I promise I will tell you but I just want a bit of normalcy right now and I know that as soon as I tell you, you will both go into protective mode. I'm fine though."

Ned's face was filled with worry but nodding. MJ looked unamused but accepted the message. "One week. And if you get harmed in any way shape or form, you tell us immediately."

Peter nodded. "I promise. One week, no harm done to me."

MJ nodded approvingly. "Now eat your food, you have mine, Ned's and school food. That should be enough to make up a little bit for whatever amount you are missing."

Peter looked shocked but chuckled. "Nothing gets past you. Can't exactly eat all I need without revealing my secrets."

"Just eat your food so you don't immediately have to tell us because you are in harms way." MJ said and that made Peter start eating rapidly.

TW - Disordered eating end -

"Did you hear anything back yet from Stark Industries?" Ned asked, in between mouthfuls.
Peter shrugged. "Haven't checked my mail yet, but it is awfully soon. They probably won't review
submissions until like a week or a month in."

"Dude. I think you might have done the quiz in record time. Plus, you are awfully intelligent. I think they have some notifications on for outliers." Ned responded.

"We can go to the computer lab for study period, I can check my mail there?" Peter suggested and Ned nodded enthusiastically.

They finished eating their food and when the bell rang they went on their separate ways to their own classrooms but promising to meet in the computer lab next period. Spanish was awful. It was boring, he learned nothing from it, and wished he was allowed to work on something. Anything. Even Spanish homework. But no. If he didn't pay attention he would be reprimanded. He did not need to be reprimanded right now.

Eventually his Spanish class was over and it was time to head on over to the computer lab. He didn't want to get his hopes up. The chances that he had a mail, and a positive one at that were so small. Exceptionally small. White Christmas small. So he didn't get his hopes up. Ned on the other hand was convinced that there would be an email. Peter didn't know whether he was relieved or annoyed by it. He adored the golden retriever outlook Ned had on things, but on the other hand his blind trust in his abilities and... not luck but that fortune will come his way was also exhausting to battle with his own thoughts. But he loved Ned so he wouldn't mention it because it was great at other times. Just not when he was trying not to get his hopes up.

"Do you have an email?"

"I am still on the loading screen after logging in to the computer. You know how slow these computers are."

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