chapter nineteen, bottle up the laugh of fate

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"I can't believe I'm a fugitive. I'm not cut out for this life." He muttered grumpily, stripping off his tunic. San didn't know whether she should be flattered or insulted that he didn't acknowledge her presence.

"I doubt any of us expected each other to be thieves either but we do what we must to survive." He didn't flinch when she spoke so she assumed he did at least know she was there. "Found any medicinal herbs or ointments?"

"We can't bring much anyway because we'd have to carry them all."

"They're important. I need them just in case any one of us gets injured. Besides, we're in Earth Kingdom territory and one of those... extremists could pop out of nowhere."

"Are they still after you?"

"I don't know."

"You'd think after they probably saw the moon disappear they'd stop to realise the absurdity of their goal." He scoffed, holding a cloth in hand and dipping it in the wash basin. There was a sharp line of scar tissue running short along his back, most likely from the fights he experienced in the North Pole. Then he ran the wet cloth over his shoulder and across his bare chest, water trickling down his torso.

'Oh— for Spirits' sake!' San thought, her cheeks burning as she looked away. "Right, what happened to Zhao anyway?"

"The ocean spirit dragged his body away. I don't know if he's dead or alive."

"I see. Serves him right."

"I guess." He muttered, dragging the cloth to the nape of his neck.

"It's too bad about the crew too." She continued, "Lieutenant Jee and everyone else... I doubt they survived what went down there."

Grief was a strange thing. She never experienced it but she'd imagine it was a horrid thing, an emotion slithering over the heart and squeezing until you couldn't breathe anymore. The thought of the crew being dead left an aftertaste of sorrow in her mouth but otherwise, she couldn't find any tears willing to fall for them.

"Okay, how do I look?" He turned to her when he was done, fully clothed in an ordinary Earth Kingdom outfit.

"With your eyes."


"Like a good old jolly citizen of the Earth Kingdom!" She teased. "The only thing you're missing now is a big smile."

"I'll take your words as a simple 'you look good'." He deadpanned, refusing the notion to smile even a little. "Now, all I need left is a hat to cover... you know. So get me one."

"Please get me one." San corrected. "What happened to your manners, my prince?"

She was only teasing but her calling him my prince left his heart aflutter and now he needed a hat more than ever not just to cover his scar, but to cover the rising blush across his cheeks.

"Please, my dearly beloved San, would you do me the honour of acquiring me a new hat?"

His exaggeration and dramatics were clear but the underlying sincerity in his eyes made her heart skip a beat and her smile fall in pleasant surprise. Though as quick as it vanished it reappeared and she playfully bowed her head.

"I will do you the honour."

A WEEK HAD GONE BY all too quickly. The three fugitives found themselves in the forestry again, foraging for food. Daylight shone through the jade-green canopies but thanks to the thickness of the forest, they doubted anyone would journey through here. San brushed her hand through the bushes but found nothing, Zuko thought he found nuts but they ended up being creepy crawlers so he freaked out, and Iroh was intently staring at a stunning white and crimson plant.

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