chapter five, by the turtleduck pond

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SOMETIMES BEING A PRINCE WAS boring. Especially when you were a prince whose father had zero expectations from you. Sure, Zuko was given a private firebending tutor like Azula but because of his obvious struggle in perfecting his skills as easily as his sister, his father cut the tuition short, claiming it to have been a waste of time and a waste of money. Zuko didn't dare protest his father. Fortunately, his mother found an alternative where he could learn swordsmanship instead.

"When you've hit an obstacle in the middle of the road and can't find a way over it, go around it instead." She said. "You may not be as naturally gifted as your sister when it comes to firebending but perfection comes with practice. You'll be as good as her eventually. How about you learn swordsmanship instead? I think you'll grow fond of it."

It wasn't terrible so far, Zuko had to admit. He liked how the dual swords felt in his grasp. He could definitely get used to perfecting such a skill. Learning swordsmanship will definitely be something he'll be better at than Azula at least. Perhaps his father would be proud of him too when he tells him about it after dinner.

The thought of dinner combined with the end of his lesson left his stomach grumbling, and it just so happened he was passing by the kitchen. For some reason, an old memory impacted him like a coconut hitting the ground. He and Azula used to steal snacks from the kitchen together without the head chef noticing. They had a moment or two where they'd genuinely laugh together (not his sister laughing at him) before she started trying to act like their father and now those moments begun to fade from his memory like bubbles in sea foam.

Zuko shook his head, unsure why he suddenly remembered them as if they had been important in this moment. Nowadays if he wanted a snack or two, he had to approach the head chef personally in the kitchen. Not that he minded, the kitchen wasn't the worst place in the palace. In fact, he quite liked causing mischief in it when he was younger. He could remember his uncle, Iroh, bringing him into the kitchen once with his son, Lu Ten, to cook something and brew tea. Back then, the kitchen became infused with a wonderful smell of a variety ingredients but he kept on touching things he wasn't supposed to touch and got Iroh into trouble with the palace head chef. It was also his favourite place to steal cookies and meat buns from, though he doesn't do it anymore. He wondered how the siege of Ba Sing Se was going. His uncle should be sending a letter home soon.

As soon as he stepped into the kitchen, the decadent aroma of soup left his mouth watering. Strange. One of his least favourite dishes from their palace head chef was his vegetable beef soup. Yet this smelled nothing like it and he didn't think he could imagine himself tasting the juicy tenderness of the meat on the tip of his tongue based on the smell. He walked further into the kitchen and Chef Lee wasn't present at all, but he did see someone stirring a large pot of soup by herself.

"San was a girl who lived by the sea, who kept the fire with a spoon and pot. Stir, stir, a soup for lovely skin. Simmer, simmer, a stew for thick black hair. But what does she make for a happy smile? Cakes, cakes, with coconuts and sugarcane." He heard her sing under her breath. A deep concentration was seen in her eyes and her aura radiated such content, he was stunned for a few minutes. Within those few minutes, she looked up and her gaze landed on him.

"Prince Zuko!" She gasped, surprised, almost dropping the ladle into the pot. "Do you need something? Oh, wait, I'm supposed to bow first..."

She muttered the second part but he heard her anyway, watching her awkward attempt to bow. It was clear she was still getting used to her role in the palace. Normally, Zuko wouldn't think twice about the servants (because he was a prince, why should he care? He couldn't even remember what half of them looked like) but San caught his interest for the sole reason of her being Azula's handmaiden. There was just no way anyone would willingly befriend his sister with the exception of Mai and Ty Lee. No, he meant there was just no way his sister one day met a peasant and decided she liked her enough to make her her handmaiden.

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