chapter eighteen, the archer

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THREE WEEKS WENT BY IN a blur. They finally found some refuge in a tranquil place part of the Earth Kingdom surrounded by cherry blossoms. Fortunately, the residents brought their lie of being starving travellers and offered a temporary place of stay for them for free. They all washed up, changed into fresh new clothes, and ate the first proper meal they had in three weeks. In San's opinion, this was a hundred times better than being pecked away by ravenous sea vultures.

The following day when the weather was cooling, San relaxed by the wooden bridge over a pond full of koi fish. Her legs dangled over the rippling surface and occasionally, she'd tease them by dipping her toes in the water, scaring them away though they always come back as soon as she lifted her toe. She removed her headband which covered her sun mark (since the place was isolated with no one around) and hummed a little tune to herself.

"That hat doesn't help hide your ponytail, if that's what you were going for." She said as soon as she picked up on Zuko's presence nearby.

"Ha ha." He said monotonously, giving a resting face.

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood." She gave an askew smile, patting the empty spot beside her and inviting him to sit. He hesitated before obliging.

They remained like that in comfortable silence. The light breeze whistling through the trees, the water rippling as the koi fishes swam through, the toads croaking in the distance. San remembered today was the anniversary of his banishment and the anniversary of her running away from Azula. It had been thee years since she last saw her and she wished to keep it that way for as long as possible. For if imagining the restrained fury crackling in those dull amber eyes could already twist her gut with unease, she refused to know how uncomfortable she'd be if she met with her face-to-face.

"Three years ago, I was banished. I lost it all. I want it back. I want the Avatar. I want my father not to think I'm worthless. And I want—" He paused all of a sudden, confusing his friend as she pressed on patiently.

"And you want?"

'You, San. You.'

"My honour, my throne." Were the words leaving his lips instead.

Another moment of silence creeped into the space between them, Zuko bathing in it, relieved she didn't try to speak in an attempt to console him. Silence was all he wanted right now. Alone would have been preferable but being by San's side would do too.

He glanced at his friend, staring at the way the breeze blew her night black hair and how the sun mark fit like the perfect puzzle piece on her forehead as if it were always meant to be there. Seeing her feed the koi fish made him feel like a boy stripped off his title as the prince who would gladly stop searching for his honour if only she asked.

"Do you want to feed the fish too?" She asked, assuming his staring was of wanting to do her activity rather than admiring her.

"No." He gave an awkward cough, tilting his head away. "I don't."

"Suit yourself." She shrugged before getting up. "Uncle Iroh and I are going to collect seashells by the shore. I know it's not usually your thing so you can stay here."

"Don't keep any of it. We have to carry everything we have by ourselves now."

"Don't worry, seashells are very small and carrying some stuff on your own isn't the end of the world."

Violent Delights, ATLAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora