chapter twelve, fire has a mind of its own

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KETU HARBOUR WAS THEIR TEMPORARY resting stop in order for them to make repairs to the ship. The Avatar and his gang did severe damage to it, the large fall of the iceberg resulting in a permanent dent and ruining parts of the steel.

"Where are you going?" Zuko demanded, not needing to turn around to know San was trailing behind him and his uncle.

"I'm coming with you." She replied with a shrug like the answer was obvious. A scarlet headband covered up the mark on her forehead. "It's not like we're staying here long. The repairs need to be done as quick as possible."

"I know." He said, frowning as she paced ahead of them and stepped into the port. "But I heard Zhao's in charge of this harbour. He could recognise you."

"I doubt we'll run into him."

"Fine." He grunted, not in the mood to drag out the topic of conversation. "Let's just be swift, then. Otherwise we'll risk losing his trail."

"The Avatar's?" Iroh asked for confirmation.

"Don't mention the name on these docks openly!" Zuko shushed, halting in his tracks to glare at his uncle. "Once word gets out he's alive, every firebender will be looking for him and I don't want anyone getting in the way."

"Getting in the way of what?"

The three noticed Zhao approaching them from the left. Zuko gave San a brief I-told-you-so look and she nudged his side out of annoyance. She had never seen nor heard of Zhao until recently, only being aware he was recently promoted and situated in Ketu Harbour.

"Captain Zhao."

"It's Commander now." Zhao corrected the exiled prince haughtily. "General Iroh, it's a pleasure to meet the great hero of our nation."

"Retired general," chuckled Iroh.

"The Fire Lord's brother and son are welcomed guests anytime. And you are...?"

"San." She introduced herself, bowing her head in respect.

"San." He repeated, humming. "Are you not meant to be the handmaiden the princess of the Fire Nation was looking for three years ago? It's too bad you've been replaced."

If she could, she'd have released a long sigh of relief. So Azula really wasn't hunting her down or hiring anyone to do so. She was leaving her alone. Knowing her, she didn't know whether to be relaxed or filled with even more uncertainty toward her future. "It is."

"So what brings you here to my harbour?"

"Our ship is being repaired."

"That's a lot of damage." Zhao noted out loud with the tiniest edge of curiosity border-lined with suspicion.

"It is." Zuko said, then paused and gestured to San. "San, tell Commander Zhao what happened."

She glowered at him for a split second before turning to the man awaiting his answer patiently. "Of course. Our ship, you see, crashed into an Earth Kingdom ship. You know, because we're in the southwestern Earth Kingdom. It was brutal and very unfortunate."

"Is that so?" At least he seemed convinced. 'Nailed it,' she gave herself a mental pat on the shoulder. "Then you must regale me with all the thrilling details."

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