Part 1: The Summoning

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A/N: Well here we are Part 1 so guys like I said in the prologue, feel free to tell me if you don't understand something. You can also ask other questions. Well then onto the chapter

No one POV:

The day the final servants are gonna be summoned finally arrived and with it the pressure of Y/N is clearly visible on his face. He still has some time until the summoning ritual so he goes into one of the many emptied rooms within the castle to practice his magecraft.


Y/N:"Ok let's get started."
He lights a candle on the table that is within the room before sitting down reaching out to it his magical circuits activating
He concentrated his magical energy into the flame until it changed its color from it's regular orange red flame into an Icy Blue

Y/N:"Ok I can change the characteristics of the fire into a freezing flame. Maybe I can do this to my normal magic."
He began concentrating his Mana into the palm of his Hand as a Red and Black orb formes. He sighed deeply as he closes his eyes beginning the process of the characteristical changes of the spell to become unstable and burst burning the palm of his hand

Y/N:"Ack! D-dammit. Ah this hurts like hell."
He takes a piece of Bandage he took with him just in case wrapping it around his bleeding palm, before he packs his things away leaving the room

He wasn't really lucky as he left the room as his Brother was standing there looking at Y/N and the Bleeding Hand
Caules:"Y/N why do you still try this type of Magecraft knowing it harms you when it fails."
Y/N:"Wow since when is the younger brother scolding the older one."
You jokes as Caules just looks at him a bit annoyed making him sigh

Y/N:"Jokes aside. I am so damn close in achiving this kind of Magecraft in altering a Spells Characteristics. I am able to do it to fire and other objects, but when I am almost done changing it the spell becomes unstable making it backfire."

Caules:"I have the feeling it is no use in trying to change your mind in not trying it again?"
Y/N:"Oh how good you know me Caules. I will only stop when I am able to do it."

Caules just sighs as he looks at his clock
Caules:"It's nearly noon come let's get something to eat."
Y/N:"Yeah might not be such a bad idea.... Wait did you say noon! I was in this room for almost 3 HOURS!"
You say shocked as it seemed you where lost into your practice you lost track of time.

Caules:"Yes Y/N Hours. Fiore was getting worried so she asked me to look for you, because you normaly help her out in the morning."
Caules:"Oh no worry Brother. She has a punishment ready for you."

You pale as you hear this

Y/N Thoughts:"Out of all days it needed to be today I forget to help her!"
You scream in your head as Caules can only see you shaking your head

Caules:"Uh Y/N you ok?"
Y/N:"Oh uhh y-yes I'm fine. Let's just hope Fiore is merciful today."

Caules:"It is your problem so I wish you luck brother."
Caules and you went down into the dining hall where you can see Fiore smiling into your direction a bit to sweet

Y/N:"Yeah she's gonna kill me for sure after lunch."
You say to yourself as you sit down on your regular place

Time skip after lunch

After the lunch you quickly try to get away, but Fiore did not forget
Fiore:"Hey Y/N can you come here for a moment."
Y/N:"Y-yes Fiore."
As you get to Fiore you could feel that she prepares a spell but you still stay in front of her

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