Start from the beginning

"Blue team, you are, incorrect."

"You guys need to stop listening to Max, I swear." Holly leans forward. "One time, I went to link someone. Link who would use that word? Think about it guys. One time, I went to link someone, after talking to them for two months. Waited two hours for them, and they never came." Destini eyes up the blue team as she reads.

Holly looks throughout the blue group trying to figure out who it was, while her team, 'ooohhhss.' "I feel like that's Max." Destini says looking towards her group. "All I'm saying is that, whoever you pick, means you don't rate them." Billy says.

"Yeah, that's exactly what we're doing." Ilyas nods. "That's exactly what we're doing, no reverse phycology. I think it's Billy because of that reverse phycology."

"Nah, Nah, but, but, he doesn't want. He doesn't want us to pick him, I reckon this was Billy, in his fucking L stage. When you had negative game." Chip says.

"Nah don't listen to Chip or Ilyas Destini. It's most definitely one hundred per cent Max." Holly says as she leans over the two boys. "I'm gonna listen to Holly, sorry boys. Bruda, what's his name? Max." Destini holds up Max's picture.

"Red team, you are correct."

"I fucking told you!" Holly jumps up at the same time as Chip and Destini. "I told you!" She repeats as he and Chip jump up and down while they hug. "Why were you waiting two hours." Holly laughs as everyone calms down. "The girl was leng." Max says embarrassed.

"You guys ready yeah? Once I got locked out of a chalet." Max reads out. "It's Kate." Grace claps her hands together before Max can even finish reading the paper. "It's Kate, it's a chalet it's Kate." Grace persists.

"In a chalet, in France, on a ski trip and had to get in a bin truck, and do a bin run with them until I could get in." Max reads, Holly and Chip looking at each other for a split second, before the brunette let's out a little laugh. "It's not Kate." Grace shakes her head after hearing the rest of the story.

"This could easily be Chip." Harry points to the boy he's talking about. "This could easily be Chip." Harry repeats as Chip nods his head. "Okay, we'll do Chip." Grace tells Max.

"What's Chip gonna be doing on a chalet?" Max asks as he sits back down. "Chalet." Everyone corrects him. "I've been on skiing trips." Chip tells the youngest boy.

"What about Olivia? She's sitting there all low-key." Harry suggests. "Nah, I don't trust her. She's a booky gyal Yano, smiling for I reason." Max shakes his head. "Hey, max just say who you think it is." Billy tells the boy as he picks up a ping-pong racket.

"No, it's Chip." Rachel tells Max as she sees him pick up Kate's picture. "No trust me, Max Khadar gonna get it right." He sits back down. "Guys, I'm locking it in. Kate Elisabeth." He says.

"Blue team, you are, incorrect."

"I'm kinda decent at magic." Kate reads as she stares down the blue team. "That is so random." Kate laughs. "It's Harry." Holly says but no one heard her, as Destini talks over her,

"I feel like it's Grace. Look at her face." She points to the girl. "I think it's one of the two because he does Rubik's cube." Ilyas starts. "So do I and I'm shit at magic." Holly tries to reason with Ilyas.

They don't know about us ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now