A Change of Scenery

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I pressed my face against the small plane window, watching the coast of Japan finally come into view.

"This is really happening", I mumbled to myself, a mixture of excitement and worry filling my chest.

As the aircraft descended, I packed away my pile of belongings that kept me occupied during the 16 hours of flight travel. The inflight movies and entertainment were my real saviors though. For the next 20 minutes I watched as we drew closer to solid ground, and continuously had to pop my ears to relieve the pressure. A few turbulent moments later, the aircraft touched down safely on the tarmac. All of the passengers were already scurrying around in their seats and readying themselves for the disembarking mad rush.

"Welcome to Tokyo everyone, we hope you enjoyed your flight and look forward to flying with you again. Please remain seated until the flight attendants have cleared you for disembarking", the muffled voice of the captain rang through the plane's intercoms.

Despite the captain's requests, passengers had already begun removing their overhead luggage and lining up to exit the plane, my seat neighbors included.

"Seriously, what IS the rush?" I sighed, stretching my legs over the empty seats beside me and double checking my belongings.

My uncle Kenji won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so I sat back until the majority had cleared from the aircraft. A kind gentleman gestured for me to exit my row and allow me to go ahead of him which I gratefully bowed for. I gave him a warm smile to which he reflected on his own face, and proceeded to saunter down the narrow aisles.

Stepping into the spacious airport terminal, I let out a deep sigh, observing the bustling people.

"This is it I guess", I whisper.

Once he spotted me his bored expression lifted slightly and he shoved a hand in his pocket, the other hand forming a peace sign while still holding the paper with my name on it. I rolled my eyes at his lack of expression and skipped up to him.

"What's with the dad shorts?" I mused with a sly grin.

His eyebrow twitched at my comment.

"You haven't seen me in years and that's the first thing you wanna say?" he sighed, rubbing his face.

I only laughed and gave him a long overdue hug to which he returned and ruffled my already messy hair. He then took my backpack, casually slinging it over his shoulder and leading us away from the crowd to find the exit, which actually took a while due to the sheer size of this airport.

After a few wrong turns, we finally made it outside and to the temporary parking bay where uncle kept his car. I also understood the reason for his choice of clothes as we stepped out of the air conditioned building, Japan was a lot warmer than London that's for sure.

Uncle Kenji shot me a glare when he saw me suppressing a laugh at the sight of his car. You wouldn't think he would own a little red Toyota scion iq that could only fit two people and my suitcase in the trunk. I couldn't believe this tiny thing drove him all the way out to the airport, but who can complain though, the little vehicle had air conditioning.

It was a wee drive to get to the town I was staying at. I opened up my phone to flick through the photos I took in Hong Kong during my little stop over, it wasn't very long, only a few hours.

"So uh, how was your flight?" uncle asked, seemingly trying to break the silence. He was always on the more quiet side, but it only got worse when his sister passed away. The fact that he was trying for me was really sweet and made him all the more loveable. So if it meant that I had to be the talkative one, I'd be more than glad to. We are roughly spending the next year together, so I want him to be comfortable too.

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