🥭Meet the Parents 1: Scout🥭

181 4 4

[Content Rating: Citrus]
[Extras: None]
[POV: 2nd]
[Warnings: None]
[Length: ]
[Y/N Gender: ♀️ (Female)]


Miss Pauling had given you and the RED team three weeks vacation time. Perfect! You decided you were going to spend it with your boyfriend Scout.

You ran towards Scout's room and flung the door open, rushing into the room and pouncing on him. He fell to the ground with a soft oof as you fell on top of him. He smiled up at you, kissing you softly.

"So, what do you want to do?"

You got off of Scout as he stood up and reached into his pocket.

"Well, I had an idea."

He pulled two plane tickets out of his pocket, showing them to you. They were to Boston, Massachusetts.

"I want you to meet my mom."

Your heart dropped as you bit your lip and looked away. Scout looked concerned and put his hand under your chin, forcing you to look at him gently.

"What's wrong, toots?"

You looked away again.

"Hey, sugar. Please. Talk to me."

You sighed and looked up at him again.

"I've just... never had that much luck with meeting my partner's parents before."

He smiled sweetly at you.

"Trust me, my mom is gonna love you."

You smiled back and pecked him on the cheek.

"I think it would be a good idea to get packed, though, babe."

You nodded and walked back to your room, packing clothing and everything you would need in a medium-sized duffle bag.

The next day, Scout woke you up early in the morning to get to the airport. You grabbed your duffle bag and got changed quickly, meeting Scout in the living room.

You both caught a shuttle to the airport, sitting by each other. Scout described his older brother to you as you sat and listened with interest.

"My older brother Nate will be there. He also got vacation time from his boss, but he has less time than us."

"Where does he work?"

"He works with construction. He helps build buildings in downtown Boston. One time, this guy he was building a building for insulted my mom, so Nate just up and left the building unfinished. From then on, everyone knew not to fuck around with Nate."

You both reached the airport and boarded you plane. Scout let you have the window seat, as he assumed a seat next to you in the middle. You fell asleep on his shoulder during the flight, and when you woke up, you were already there.

You both made your way through the crowded airport, finding the car rental place. He found a nice little car that he rented for your stay. You let him drive, since he knew the way. You fell asleep again in the passenger seat. Why you were so tired, you'll never know.

He pulled into the driveway and woke you up gently.

"Hey, (Y/N), we're here."

You groaned and rubbed your eyes. He chuckled slightly and got out, opening the passenger door for you. You nervously got out, holding his hand as you both made your way to the door.

It was a quaint little house, a blue colour with neatly-trimmed hedges outside of the windows.

You both got to the door. Scout knocked on the door, before, three seconds later, the door opened and a beautiful woman stood in front of you both. Her hair was a jet black colour and done up in a headband. She wore a beautiful red dress that matched her red headband and red lips. She looked so preppy, yet somehow somewhat casual.

You held your breath, waiting for the degradation to start. But it never did.

"Jeremy! How good to see you!"

She leaned forward and hugged Scout tightly. She eyed you and let go of him.

"And who is this?"

"Ma, I want you to meet my girlfriend, (Y/N)."

Her face lit up and she reached her hands and grabbed yours in hers.

"Scout, she's so lovely!"

You blushed slightly and smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Please, come inside! It's getting cold out there!"

She ushered the both of you inside, shutting the door behind her.

The inside of the house was quaint as well. There was couch with a coffee table in front with a flowered vase on it filled with fresh flowers. The aroma of cooking food filled the house with savoury smells unlike anything you had ever smelled before. There were so many framed pictures on the wall; some of Scout, some of Nate, some of their mother, some of Scout and Nate together, some of Scout and his mother together, some Nate and his mother together, some of all of them together. Scout obviously enjoyed baseball, while his brother enjoyed basketball, but, despite their differences, they seemed to get along pretty well.

Speaking of Nate, he strolled into the living room from the halls, making his way to Scout. He stood behind Scout and locked him in a headlock, rubbing his head with his fist.

"Hey, there, Jeremy! How are ya, little bro?"

Scout squirmed his way out of the headlock and smiled back at Nate.

"Pretty good. Nate, this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)."

Nate nodded at you.

"Good job, Jeremy!"

He clapped him on the back and made his way to the kitchen. Scout grabbed your hand and followed Nate, you trailing behind.

You all reached the table, sitting down. Scout sat next to you, and Nate sat next to his mother. The oven dinged and Scout's mother got up and opened the oven, pulling out a tray of fried chicken.

"Trust me, toots. My mom makes the best damn chicken on this planet. Sure, Conquistador has some pretty good chicken, but it doesn't even begin to compare to Ma's chicken!"

Damn. You had heard Scout praising Conquistador's chicken before, and he made it sound heavenly, but if his mom's chicken was better, you were all for it.

She put all of the chicken into a bowl in the middle of the table, wiping her forehead with a smile.

Scout was the first to reach into the bowl, pulling out two pieces of chicken, handing one to you.

"Try it, toots! It's good, I swear!"

You bit into the chicken, and he was right. The crunchy skin of the chicken was full of so much flavour, slightly sweet, slightly sour, a mix of conflicting flavours that worked together in harmony.

You finished the piece of chicken and looked over at Scout who had already devoured five pieces. You chuckled slightly and smiled at him, grabbing his hand under the table. He mouthed something to you.

I think this was a success, sugar.


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