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A- Activities♡
What are the mercs favorite (SFW) things to do with you?•

Scout enjoys running with you. He doesn't really care that you're slower than him, he just enjoys sharing that time together. When you both are done running and are tired, you both curl up in his room on his bed and watch musicals, occasionally singing along.

Soldier enjoys doing most anything with you, but he especially enjoys when you both hang out for Fourth of July and pop fireworks together. He loves when you sing the national anthem with him and when you dress in red, white, and blue for the Fourth of July.

Pyro likes to hang out in his room with you. He likes when you tell him stories and read things to him. He also absolutely LOVES to cuddle with you. He's not one for going out of the base, but whatever is good with you is good with him!

Demo likes going to bars with you. He's always by your side; he NEVER leaves. He protects you from creepy guys and usually ends up completely drunk, sobbing that he could have taken you on a fancier date or that he doesn't deserve you. Nevertheless, you are usually the one driving home.

Heavy enjoys watching movies with you, your head and arms resting on his chest, both of you cuddled under a warm blanket. Every time he laughs, you can feel his chest vibrate under you and hear the deep bellowing sound. He just generally enjoys being around you.

Engineer really just enjoys being in the same room as you, but he likes to take you around town, occasionally stopping at shops or cafés to look around or get a coffee. He isn't afraid to hold your hand or kiss you in public. He believes that the whole world should know of his absolutely stunningly beautiful girlfriend.

A social recluse, Sniper doesn't like big, crowded spaces. He prefers to take you on a camping trip in his camper, away from the rest of civilization and away from all the drama. Once there, you two will spend most of your days taking hikes through the beautiful forest, Sniper stopping every two seconds or so to point out a flora or fauna and impress you with his big-brainedness.

Medic likes to hang out in his lab, you helping out every once in a while. He'll tell you all about his doves, their names, their personalities, but none stands out more than the sassy-natured Archimedes. You swear you can see a "ah-hell-naw-he-didn't" look on his face every time Medic says a stupid joke. You think they're funny, though, and you laugh uproariously every time he says one.

Spy likes to sit with you in his smoking room. He likes having engaging conversations with you, but he loves the way you laugh. It could be enough to cheer him up after a loss. As a result, he tends to be more comedic with you.

♡B- Bars/Bottles of Soap♡
What kind of soap do the mercs use?•

Scout uses basically any guy's soap. He's not particular and will even use body wash as shampoo.

Soldier uses Duke Cannon because it reminds him of America. Figures.

Pyro uses any soap that smells like candy. As a result, he usually smells like green apple, blue raspberry, or cotton candy. He doesn't really see the appeal of Old Spice or Duke Cannon.

Demo uses Old Spice. He likes the smell of Old Spice, but is always careful to not make it too overbearing.

Heavy really doesn't care what soap he uses, just as long as it's not feminine.

Engineer uses handmade soaps that he's bought at multiple festivals in Texas. Most of them are shaped like Texas.

Sniper also uses Old Spice, but sometimes, it's a little overbearing. The smell of coffee usually muffles the smell a bit though.

Medic's soap isn't really scented. You're not sure what kind it is; you never asked. You assumed it would be a little weird if you asked, "Hey, what soap do you use?"

You're not sure what kind of soap Spy uses either, but it smells like lavender. It's probably some fancy French soap. Probably.

♡C- Cuddles!♡
How do the mercs cuddle with you?•

Scout holds you from the side, with your hand on his chest and your head next to your hand. Cuddling usually happens when you two are watching musicals.

You are Soldier's cupcake, and everyone must know it. He cuddles usually with your head in his lap while sitting on the couch in the living room. He really doesn't care if anyone's looking. He'll play with your hair, too, very careful not to tug on any knots.

Pyro envelopes you, both of you in a fetal position facing each other. He loves seeing your face and the smiles you give him, as well as giving and receiving small pecks.

Demo and you usually cuddle when Demo's knocked out from being too drunk. You sit there, with the back of his head against your chest, Demo snoring softly. Once he wakes up, you brief him on the events that happened while he was drunk. One time that involved him sticking his head up a rotisserie chicken's ass.

Since you are smaller than Heavy, you usually end up laying on your side, the top half of your body resting on his chest, the bottom half laid beside him. He lays a large hand on your back and the other over your small hand.

You usually end up on top of Engie, your hands on his shoulders and your face nestled in his neck. He rubs your back with his hand and pecks the top of your head occasionally.

You and Sniper are usually outside of his camper, in the dead of night, sitting on a foldable chair. There's a campfire going, and you both are looking at the stars. This would be so peaceful... if it wasn't for Sniper being a little bit awkward. Don't get me wrong, you thought it was adorable, the way he would awkwardly move his legs, not sure where to put them. It definitely earned a couple chuckles from you and from him, but all in all, you were both content in each other's company.

You and Medic sit on the chair at his desk, you sitting on the armrest, and him sitting in the actual chair. Archimedes separates you, demanding attention and head scritchies from both you and Medic. You both laugh, giving into the small bird's unreasonable demands while you both cradle each other's hands.

You both sit on the red cushioned chair in his smoking room. You sit with your legs across his lap, his arms wrapped around you. He rests his head on yours and lets out an occasional sigh of contentment, his breath smelling of wine.

                D-F COMING SOON!

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