🍋BOING!! : Scout x Curly-haired Reader🍋

439 4 7

[Content Rating: Lemon]
[Extras: None]
[POV: 2nd]
[Warnings: Sexual Content]
[Length: ]
[Y/N Gender: ♀️ (Female)]

Authours Note: As you most likely know by now, this is a smut chapter, and that means sex. If you are already or become uncomfortable while reading, PLEASE skip. I would rather you skip this oneshot and stay comfortable than to read it and be extremely uncomfortable.



You felt a sudden tug and release at one of your curls again.

"Scout! Leave my hair alone!"

"Sorry, toots! It's just so mesmerising!"

You turned away, sighing.


Scout tugged at your curls again. You whipped around, brushing past him as you ran towards the capture point. He stared at your ass, perverted thoughts running through his mind, before he snapped himself back to reality.

"No! Don't think about her like that!"

He rushed towards the capture point, bashing BLU team members' heads in. He was fast, but not as fast as he normally was. He just couldn't get you off of his mind. The way your (hair colour) hair bounced around while you slaughtered BLUs.

The battle ended, and Scout was still having a hard time preventing the perverted thoughts. Everytime he looked at you, the thoughts would come back, and he would be left berating himself.

Who should I go to? He thought, looking around as if the answer was around him in the now-empty respawn room. Maybe Medic? He would understand! He's a man of medicine!

Scout started for the door, before stopping and wincing.

But then again... He might yell at me for thinking of (Y/N) like that...

Scout pondered again.

Maybe I could- No. Spy hates me... And let's not forget the last time I tried to ask him for romantic help...

Frustrated and confused, he turned to the only perceived option left.

You were in the living room with the rest of the mercs. Most of them had drunk themselves silly, but you didn't. Sure, you had a couple drops of the stuff, but that didn't compare to the whopping five bottles downed by Medic to the cheers and encouragement of his similarly drunk friends. But someone was missing from the chaos.

Scout. Not to lie, you had a small crush on him. Sure he annoyed the living daylights out of you, but he did it in a sort-of cute way.

You brushed off his absence, deciding that you yourself were going to leave now, and retire to your room.

You slipped out of the room, making your way through the dimly lit halls. Engineer had rigged up the lights so that they dim during the evening, as to prevent migraines, per Medic's request.

You counted off the rooms until you reached yours. You were about to turn the doorknob and enter your room, until you heard something. It was coming from Scout's room, which the door to was slightly ajar.

You weren't able to identify the noise, until your curious mind enticed you to move closer. It was groaning. It sounded like Scout. Your mind started to race.

Is he okay?

Is he hurt?

Did I do something wrong?

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