"Is that a challenge?" One of the roads asked, pulling out her weapon. She laughed and started charging towards the kids.
Anne dodged the attack- and managed to shove yn out of the way of getting smashed, then she smacked the toad in the face with the tennis racket. Which left painful marks.
One of the toads chuckled,
"Woah, that was awesome!"
"Well met, creature. I dunno what you are, but you've got fire." They said, walking away.

Anne smiled to herself, while sprig grumbled, and yn remained the same.
"Okay kids, that's enough flirting with death. Let's head home." Hop pop said pulling the snail next to them.
"Bleach, finally, come on, girls." Sprig said.
"I was thinking we could hang out with these guys a little longer. They seem cool." Anne said.
"Cool? More like smelly. Not to mention, creepy."
"Wait a second, are you jealous we think they're cool?" Yn said looking up from her notebook for just a second.
"No. Ha! If you wanna hang out with some grody toads, be my guest. No skin off my skin."
He said hopping onto bessie.
"Okay kids, but don't dally too long." Hop pop said driving away.
"I'm eating your pancakes!" Polly yelled.
"Not jealous!"

"Oh, he jelly." Anne said.
"Definitely." Yn agreed. The two girls then walked back over to the toads.
"Hey, we didn't get a chance to ask your-" yn was interrupted by one of the toads shoving a basked full of weapons into her hands.
"Names bog. The silent one there is Mire. And Fend here, you already met."
"I'm anne, this is yn. What are you guys doing in Wartwood?"
"Every year, this gown sends taxes to the tower. Well, this year, they came up short. So, the mayor gave us the list of frogs who didn't pay and we're just here to collect. Say, we could use someone like you." Bog said, pointing at anne.
"Yeah, you've got inside knowledge of this town. It'll make the whole job go a lot smoother." He said pulling out a badge and handing it to her.
"Oh... um... I dunno. Im not sure any of this is my business."
"You know, the best part of wearing this badge, is now everyone in this town will have to treat you with respect."
"Gimme that ding-dang thing!"
"What about me? Can I have a badge? I would love to see the whole town respect me for once!" Yn added.
"Uh.. sure kid. Be careful," he said throwing her a badge.

Back at the farm, hop pop and sprig were playing a game of flipwart.
"Whoo! You lose. Oh yeah!" Hop pop taunted while polly was watching. The door opened and Anne and yn walked through. Mn
"Guess who became a Toad Tower deputy!"
"Us two! That's who!!!" Yn said excitedly.
"What??!" All the frogs gasped.
"Also, check out this cool sword Bog gave me." Anne said showing off her cool sword.
"He made me in charge of finding the houses!" Yn said, no cool item to show off.
"Girls, when I said earn the towns respect, I didn't mean join a gang!"
Anne scoffed, "I don't believe this. They're not a gang. They're just here to do a job. Now, if you'll excuse me, we have some respect to enjoy."
Anne walked out with yn quickly behind her.

Sprig jumped on the couch to open the window.
"Uh, boy, what are you doing?"
"I have a bad feeling about this. So, I'm gonna go follow anne and watch over her." He said with his eyes narrowed.
"That's all well and good, but can you at least use the front door?"
He then crawled out the window like a spider.

"All right, first name on the list.." yn read as they pulled up to the house.
Anne and the three roads walked over to the house, Anne wanted yn to stay behind so she'd be safe.
"So how does this work? Do we remind Wally how much he owes or-"
Bog kicked down the door. They walked in on wally taking a disturbing bath.
"Ahh! Jumping June bugs! What's all this about?"
Bog chuckled, and Anne stuttered,
"I- uhhh, guess you own the town money..?"
"Rubbish! I may live in a squalor, but I always pay my taxes." Wally said while some chickens clicked around him.
"The mayors list says otherwise. And since you haven't paid, we'll be taking your stuff."
As the toads smashed the cabinets, raiding for his food, the others grabbed anything in sight. Bog threw anne the beetle jerky she had wanted earlier today.
"Here ya go anne, something a little extra."
"Oof! Bog, this seems a little extreme.."
"It's just the way we do things here. Plus, it's not like we enjoy it."
"Now who wants to race to the next house!?" He said a second later sounding like he very much enjoys it.

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