Twenty-Nine - Against All Odds (Part 2)

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Sleeping peacefully in the bed, Taehyung was laying on his side with his hand behind his ear, his hair naturally falling down covering his eyes. While he slept peacefully, Jisoo was sitting on the other side of the bed as she admire the man beside her. 

Sitting quietly for a long time, Jisoo lost track of time. While she was watching him as he sleep, her mind is occupied with a lot of thoughts. She's confused, curious, and worried all at the same time. For some reason, Taehyung has not spoken to her about the time when he met his father to talk about her and the baby. Days have passed and she has been waiting for him to talk to her about it but Taehyung has been avoiding that conversation.

Jisoo raised her hand and gently brushed his hair.

"Is everything okay, Tae?" Her voice was so soft that only she could hear what she said.

After some time, Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and immediately met hers. Jisoo smiled, seeing him awake.

Taehyung: "Baby... What time is it? He asked with a hoarse voice.

Jisoo: "It's 5. Still early in the morning." She answered softly.

Taehyung: "Hmmm. Why are you up early? Let's sleep more, love." He said, stretching his arm up and gently pulling her down.

Snuggling close to his neck, Jisoo thought of talking to him about what has been bothering her for the past couple of days.

Jisoo: "Tae." She said, softly.

Taehyung: "Hmmm?" He hummed with his eyes closed.

Jisoo: "That night..." She started.

In a way, she was hesitating if this was the right time to talk to him about it. Hearing what she said made Taehyung instantly got curious about what she will say next.

Jisoo: "How did your conversation with your dad went? We haven't spoken about it since then." She said in a low voice.

Taehyung, who was hugging her bump immediately shifted his position. He was now laying on his back.

Taehyung: "It was nothing, Ji. There's nothing to talk about it." He simply answered.

Jisoo: "But Tae... I need to know his reaction when he learned about us. What did he say?" She asked.

Jisoo was eager to know what happened when he met his father. She knew that there was something that keeps on bothering him since they met. She's his partner, she should know.

Taehyung on the other hand was not liking where the conversation is going. Of course, he understand that she needed to know what happened but how can he tell her that? Can he tell her that his father wanted to abort the baby?!

Taehyung: "I understand that you might be worried, babe. But you don't have to worry. I can handle the situation with dad." He said, trying to calm himself.

Jisoo: "I don't have to worry? How can't I? You have been acting uneasy since then. Now you're telling me that I shouldn't be worried?" She said.

Jisoo was trying to keep her emotions at bay but she need to make Taehyung confess what happened that night.

Taehyung heard a hint of frustration in her voice. He knew that she was worried about him, about the situation but he was not ready to talk to her about it until he figures out what to do.

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